The Daily Sausage – Leaky Justices, Joe Walsh Is An Asshole, Chick-Fil-(anti) gAy, Hospitals Vs. Assholes, Schroedinger’s Mandate, and a Dash of Polonium

I could really go for a chicken sandwich right now.

First up, we have a piece from ThinkProgress’ Ian Millhiser hypothesizing that Justice Thomas is responsible for leaking information to CBS News’ Jan Crawford. Justice Thomas, by the way, is married to conservative activist Ginny Thomas, who has accepted tens of thousands of dollars for lobbying against the Affordable Care Act.

I guess what I’m saying is that Clarence Thomas is a gigantic asshole, maybe even bigger than Scalia.

Representative Joe Walsh is back in the news with a report from ThinkProgress’ Scott Keyes in which he says Iraq veteran and double-amputee Tammy Duckworth is not a “true hero”. Keyes also reports that Vote Vets, a non-partisan PAC supporting veterans issues, has asked Walsh to resign.

This concludes our latest segment, Joe Walsh Is An Asshole.

Chick-Fil-A, whose chicken sandwiches are surely breaded by the hand of Zeus himself, donated $2 million to anti-gay organizations and hate groups during 2010. From 2003 to 2010, the organization donated $5 million total.

Beyond being tremendously stupid from a PR perspective, it’s not a winning choice for a business to take sides on political issues. Target and the Komen Foundation both took positions that greatly angered their core constituencies, and lost business as a result. It’s just bad policy.

Huffington Post’s Jeffrey Young reports that defiance by Republican governors over the implementation of the Affordable Care Act may face significant opposition from hospitals and other health care organizations. I fully expect these organizations to remind this collective group of assholes where their collective healthcare bread is buttered, and the insurance industry won’t be far behind.

Politico’s Alexander Burns has dubbed Mitt Romney’s position on his own and President Obama’s healthcare laws “Schroedinger’s Mandate”, in which the individual mandate both is and isn’t a tax, depending on who you’re talking about and to.

Finally, Al-Jazeera’s Gregg Carlstrom is reporting that, after a multi-year investigation, evidence has been uncovered that suggests that former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat may have been poisoned using highly radioactive polonium. It’s not like there are nuclear or semi-nuclear powers in the region with access to radioactive polonium that might want Arafat dead and have the ability to infiltrate his organization to do it.

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