Daily Archives: July 7, 2012

4 posts

QOTD: What’s in Your Sexytime Mix?

Commenter Aku-Aku needs some advice for his maybe-date this weekend. Specifically, related to music for sexytime. Because I’m such a terrific human being, I’ve decided to share my personal Sexytime Mix with all of you. Since I’m showing you mine, it’s only fair you show me yours. What’s in your sexytime mix? Continue reading

The Holmes/Cruise Divorce – Now We’re Talking!

I was in the process of writing about the love story of Liz Taylor and Richard Burton.  After reading Furious Love, I felt there was no story of a Hollywood couple more outlandish and smuttier than about those two. Woo-wee, was I wrong. Still catching up on the Internets from my podunk lake vacation, I had no idea about the split between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise until I got a CNN BREAKING NEWS REPORT from my bestie via text (it wasn’t that podunk for cripes sakes!). At the time, I thought to myself it wasn’t too much of a shocker until…dun dun dun…the PR flacks started leaking “the truth.” And ladies and gentlemen, we now have ourselves an real old fashioned Hollywood gossip hootenanny! Continue reading