Daily Archives: May 31, 2012

8 posts

Why New York and Then the World Will Push Back Against Bloomberg

Oh, good gracious, Bloomberg, shut up. Haha! Michael Bloomberg believes he’s everyone’s dad in small man shoes. Yes, seriously, rich beyond all comprehension and destined to make everyone sign a waiver that says, “Not Approved By Michael Bloomberg Billionaire Mayor and Lover of Salt Bagels” in order to eat or drink whatever they damn well please! Bloomberg wants to run little, mini agog-camps where he yells at the world for drinking a 32 oz drink, but you can still get a “triple-stack” bacon cheeseburger from Wendy’s.

UPDATE: Jon Stewart and The Daily Show weigh in! Continue reading

Video Trax: Jay-Z and Kanye Think Anarchy, Uprising and Elephants in “No Church in the Wild”

Hip-Hop’s elder statesman, Jay-Z, and his protégé, Kanye West, have returned to the musical equivalent of the visual motion image, and released their video for “No Church in the Wild.” Is it something of a throwback, conjuring the rage against the machine that was once brought forth by rap impresarios like Public Enemy, or is it a mish-mash of things that’s trying too hard to be both prophetic and timely? Continue reading

Catlandia Is the Greatest and Cheesiest Television Spoof Ever

Poking fun at a television that pokes fun at hipster pop culture is so meta that it will soon be cool (but don’t over do it man).

Do you do that new thing that nobody else is doing but everyone will be talking about soon? Did you start a movement of any kind? Do you know about cats? If you answered any of these questions with any kind of answer at all then this video is for you. Continue reading

Contrary to the Internet, NASA is Not Working on Wrinkle “Cure”

Earlier today, the Discovery Channel’s Discovery News tumblr re-blogged a post by The Week Magazine that caught my eye:

A drink formulated by NASA scientists to protect astronauts from the sun’s radiation could become a hot-selling, age-defying beauty product. New research suggests that AS10, or “space drink,” can noticeably reduce facial wrinkles and obvious signs of aging in as little as four months.

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