Time for us to talk about our favorite subject: us.
And although we’ve done this one before, let’s do it again: who the hell are you?
This week, post a larger-than-usual image of your current avatar for all of us to see, and explain why you chose it, and your screen name. Why those words and why that picture? What’s the significance or insignificance? What about them represents you in this vast, anonymous world of the interwebs, where you can be any name and any picture you’d like to be.
Go deep. Reveal yourselves. Again.
Not sure how to post pics? Here’s some help:
- If you’re using a photo on your hard drive: You must upload your pic somewhere on the web before you can post it. Easy places to do this: imgur or tinypic
- Upload the pic from your drive to the site, copy the direct link the site gives you and then come back here. Don’t worry about re-sizing: Crasstalk will automatically do that. Use this magic computer code in the “Post a New Message” box: <img src=“ ” /> Paste your direct link in between the quote marks, and make sure there are no spaces so that it looks like this:
- <img src=”http://www.photosite.com/yourphoto.jpg” />
- Use the quotes and the brackets exactly as shown. You can also upload your photo to any favorite site that generates a URL for the photo (Facebook, Flickr, etc.) and use the image address provided there.
- If you’re using a photo already on the web: Right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image” or “Copy Image URL/Location.” Copy-and-paste the URL and use the magic code above.
Image source: Wikimedia Commons