Coming Attractions: Kicking Off the Animation Races with Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie and Universal’s Despicable Me 2

Tim Burton will never ever cease doing that thing that he does in nearly every movie which casts Johnny Depp as Johnny Depp being Edward Scissorhands for the nine craptillionith time. And he’s done it again with his animated feature Frankenweenie. The movie tells a tale about a boy and his dog. Awww, right? No. We just told you…Tim Burton.

Yes, this is a Tim Burton Addams Family re-imagining so of course when the dog dies, the main character will bring said dog back from the dead (Nice for the kids) to the epic horror of everyone in town (Edward Scissorhands’ town to be exact), which is odd because aren’t all the people in this town just monsters themselves? Look at that other Pugsley Addams random Tim Burton character named Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice Striped Shirt Kid!

Anyway, this is this thing, coming out around Halloween this year. So, you know, take your aged seven or older kid to see it (What age is old enough for Burton nowadays?), or just rent most every other Tim Burton film because it’s really just that, but animated. Right? Right.

Despicable Me 2

This sequel to 2010’s Despicable Me looks pretty cute. While the first in the series also skewed a bit dark with its characters including the evil villains with a heart of gold and the little dastardly minions, this one may be going for lighter fare.

The characters in this new teaser are vaguely reminiscent of the lovable minions from Men in Black, so that’s a fun reminder for parents, and the cutesy bit shown with the singing bunch will probably definitely appeal to kids.

If there’s a choice between the two, and it’s not really about Halloween scares or answering awkward questions about How the Boy’s Dog Came Back to Life? or Why Did His Tail Fall Off?!! (Sheesh, Burton), this is probably more your kid’s speed.

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