This might confirm what you’ve always thought, but the people who actually vote on the Oscars are not what you’d call a terribly diverse group.
Even though the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has never revealed its membership list, The Los Angeles Times decided to investigate and see what they could find in regards to the voters’ demographics. They talked to lots and lots of Hollywood types, and in the end figured that they reached about 89% of the more than 5000 people who vote.
And guess what: most of them are over 50, white and male.
Here’s the breakdown:
- Male: 77%
- Female: 23%
- Caucasian: 94%
- Blacks: about 2%
- Latino: less than 2%
- Median Age: 62
- People Under Age 50: 14%
- Executive Branch & Writer’s Branch: 98% White
Oh, and once you’re an Academy member, you’re in for life. Even if you haven’t worked in the industry for decades, you still get the privilege to vote. People who have left the industry but still vote include a nun, a bookstore owner and a Peace Corps recruiter.
Here’s an interesting article and video further explaining the numbers: Unmasking the Academy.
Image via Flickr