TV’s Greatest Wardrobe: Dr. Andre Nowzik on ‘The League’

I can’t say I’ve ever given more than half a shit about the Emmy Awards (or really any awards show) but I’m starting to think that the costume designers on FX’s The League deserve a trophy for their note-perfect work with Dr. Andre Nowzik. 

For those of who aren’t regular viewers, The League is a comedy built around a group of friends with their own fantasy football league. The crew is made up of your typical yuppiesh white guy schlubs from Chicago. They all mostly wear plain Levis and Dockers, and maybe the occasional Brooks Brothers tie — well everyone except for Andre (played by Paul Scheer).

Andre is the guy everyone else goofs on — right to his face. He’s a successful plastic surgeon with piles of money who still can’t get laid. Friends describe him as looking “like a high school chemistry teacher who won the lottery.”

Through three full season the costume designers have nailed Andre’s fashion victim/douchebag wardrobe perfectly. He’s all money and no taste so they’ve put him in silly hipster hats, throwaway Euro-trash tackiness, Ed Hardy-style visual diarrhea, awful skater-boy hoodies and other atrocities that no one over 21 should ever be caught dead in.

Here’s a typical exchange between Andre and his buddy Kevin:

Kevin: “May I ask why you’re dressed like a russian house deejay?”

Andre: “This is the same exact sweater that Vin Diesel wore in Triple X!”

Kevin: “Ok, I’m done with you.”

Check out this video where Andre takes us on a shopping trip to his favorite boutique.

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