As many of you know, there is a Crasstalk Politics Team that regularly discusses the issues of the day. One of our favorite pastimes is passing around links from the various sites we read on a regular basis. To encourage participation, I’m starting a new series called “Political Sausage” (so named because it’s made up of links, and seeing politics get made isn’t pretty), in which I will gather what I feel are the most entertaining or thought provoking links from around the web and share them with all of you. I encourage discussion, and hope all of you will post your own links as well.
- As a liberal IT Security Professional, this is embarrassing.
- Doghouse Riley explains the Trojan Horse of anti-abortion bills like Virginia’s.
- New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait explains why 2012 could be the end of the world for the GOP.
- If there is a God in Heaven and he loves me, this will happen.
- Courtesy of Charles Pierce: Rick Santorum, you are no JFK.