Newt Gingrich: Mitt Romney Hates Your Grandmother’s Kosher Food!

Newt Gingrich’s latest plan to stuff the Republican nomination into his barbarous inner stomach flap is to tell Florida’s large Jewish and elderly population that Mitt “RoboTron” Romney once took kosher food away from Holocaust survivors.

Naturally, in addition to being a robotic officer on an intergalactic vessel whose singing voice sounds like monotone murmuring leading up to a prostate exam, the Mittney 4,600 is also an agent of Hitler according to Newt Gingrich, the sweat-slicked Hun with a growing axe to grind. Gingrich’s way of showcasing all his astute knowledge on the subject of Romney’s Holocaust activities was to use a robocall to get his point across. Yes, of course, fight one robot with another. Is he also planning a R2D2/Twiki battle-bot throwdown? Maybe. He’s the perfect genius when it comes to robot battles, vitriolic crazed-man mouth spewage, and alienating voters, apparently. Nevertheless, let’s mush on! Gingrich has really thought this latest one through.

The call references a time when some Massachusetts nursing homes were assessing their budgets and considered eliminating their kosher kitchens to instead bring in kosher food from other locations. Romney vetoed a 2003 bill that could’ve provided for an additional $600,000 in funding which may have made it possible for the homes to continue cooking kosher food on site, however it would’ve been the nursing home’s choice where they chose to make cuts if the veto went through. It didn’t. The veto was overridden by the Massachusetts state legislature and the facilities kept their kosher kitchens. However, the decision was not, as Gingrich Super Duper Jewish Community Alarmist claims, a choice to “eliminate kosher food for elderly Jewish residents under Medicare,” even though the robocall doesn’t mention this transient bit of egregious flotsam. That would be irresponsible, right?

Yes. So everyone should be happy the robocalls stop just short of saying that then? Yes. Gotcha! This is Newt Gingrich we’re talking about here. Silly America. No farking robocall will stop his brain from having an idea and running with it! He’s been saying it outright, and spraying the whole “Romney will take your grandmother’s kosher meals because she’s on Medicare!” line all over Jacksonville, Florida, hoping, of course, that it will gain traction and prop him up as some sort of Jewish savior among men, and not the desperate politician he actually is by pulling on any seemingly viable limb to stop the dregs of his campaign from sinking ever faster into the muck and swamp that is the bottom of the GOP pit.

Granted that pit eventually claimed the awful, stupid corpses of the Bachmann, Cain, Huntsman, and Perry campaigns, and it is clamoring just clamoring for a Gingrich pork sandwich.

Maybe it’ll get fed tomorrow night?

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