Daily Archives: November 21, 2011

5 posts

You’re Probably Causing Your Own Identity Theft

SplashData has released their list of the 25 worst passwords of 2011. Of course, you should know exactly what they’re talking about. Those six digits or so that you plug in whenever you want to access your bank account, your email, and all the stuff that’s really important to you so Skynet won’t be able to steal your identity and then make Terminators in the year 2152. Whatever. You can’t stop Skynet. Silly humans. Anyway, in your valiant attempt to control sentient robots, there is a list of passwords an infant in Albuquerque could crack, so maybe you shouldn’t use them.

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In The Wake of Sexual Abuse

As a survivor of child molestation it’s strange to listen to others try to digest the recent unpalatable situations unfolding in the news. Judgement and scorn for the abuser. Pity and protective stances offered towards the victims. I listen in silence as my good ol’ boy coworkers discuss their anger at the alleged abuser. My own feelings have been obfuscated by years of denying the impact it had on me, until now. Continue reading

The Walking Dead Recap: Love in the Time of Zombies

And we’re back! Please be chock full o’zombies, please be chock full o’zombies, please be chock full o’zombies.

We open with Lori and Carl at the chicken coops, where Lori throwing chicken feed at Carl. He seems fully recovered yet unnaturally pale. Carl observes that “everything’s food for something else.” So true, Carl. You are no longer the top of the food chain. The camera cuts to Mrs. Hershel in a dark corner of the chicken coop. She breaks a chicken’s legs and stuffs it into a burlap sack. We then see her bringing a wheelbarrow full of broken-legged chickens to the zombie barn. She dumps them on the ground for a zombie feeding frenzy, and we are all secretly disappointed that it’s only chickens. Continue reading