Daily Archives: October 16, 2011

5 posts

United Nations Finalizes Convention to Protect Persons with Disablities

I have some good news.  Would you like to be more in touch, more emphatic and sympathetic to the human condition?  You can!  While the path is not what you would have chosen, the chances are good you’re going to end up there anyways.  Come on inside and allow me to be your guide on this journey (dot dot dot)

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The Zombies Are Back!

Shhh! Can you hear it? That low growling moan off in the distance? Either the neighbor’s cat is in heat (again), or there’s a second wave of zombies headed right for your living room. Yes, zombies. After a long hiatus, the second season of The Walking Dead premieres tonight at 9 p.m. on AMC. And, since zombiism is a real threat facing modern society, I suggest you watch and learn. Continue reading

Watching Porky’s and Other Life Changing Events

As I get older I can look back on my mostly misspent youth and point to certain incidents or episodes, these are the things that irrevocably changed my life whether for better or for worse. Picking the single most influential of these would be impossible, because when you start getting older the number of these events becomes too numerous to pick just one. Was it your first kiss? A book? A movie? Doing something for the first time? Let’s explore shall well. Please keep in mind I might be from a different generation that you and some of you might have a hard time imagining how something like some of these things could change your life, but we were young, dumb and didn’t have the internet. Continue reading