How to Deal with a Quarter-Life Crisis

Maybe you’re in your mid-twenties and you’ve just discovered that you don’t really like becoming an adult, and all of your friends have moved away for grad school, and you feel kind of aimless. Apparently, that feeling is not just nostalgia for when you could wear pajamas, drink all day and watch cartoons. It’s got a name (and Wikipedia page): quarter-life crisis.

Here are some fun and easy ways for you to deal with said quarter-life crisis:

  1. Tweet really clever observations about how much it sucks to be constantly broke and in your twenties, and maybe you will get a book or development deal. Note, this only works if you are extremely well-connected, and also very clever.
  2. Go volunteer somewhere so you get some karma points with the universe. Puppies and kittens are always a good choice.
  3. Do not adopt a dog while drunk.
  4. Take a class at your local community college, and join a study group with a diverse cast of lovable, pop-culturally-knowledgeable misfits
  5. Start a blog about how much it sucks to get form rejection letters for jobs and grad programs you apply for and hope it becomes viral and you can maybe create a coffee table book
  6. Take this last opportunity to have a lot of sex while it is still culturally acceptable for you to do so
  7. Try to “seize the day” and go to local activities you enjoy by yourself and be open to talking to new people. This is especially important if your college friends are all moving away or you have really weird interests like historical buildings., drawing maps or brewing craft beer. Saving up all of your beer cans and buying a membership to a local museum or library association is a good idea, because they often have events for young people and you will feel cultured and also slightly less emo/alone.
  8. Decide to become poetic and write letters to your high school/college friends who have moved away. At least one other person will think this is really fun, and this will last for approximately 4 letters before you both become bored with it.
  9. Browse random pages on Wikipedia while drinking and tell yourself  you’re just studying for bar trivia. Do this in your underwear.
  10. Spend time with people you enjoy, and be honest about how you are feeling, because chances are, some of your friends are just as scared, and feeling just as unsuccessful as you are, and you can be each other’s support group

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