Daily Archives: June 23, 2011

14 posts

A Mortgage is Just the Beginning of the Costs of Home Ownership

Are you tired of paying rent to The Man and have decided you need to be in charge of your own destiny?  Do you wish you could have a nice home where you can do whatever you want? Do you need a bigger back yard for your dog or a bigger room to keep your collection cat trees?

If you’re ready to make the big step and commit to owning a home then there are some costs beyond the price of the home that you are going to have to take into account.

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Growing up with ADHD

I have struggled to find the courage to sit down and expel this story from where it lay, lodged deep down under some or other memories that I’m more comfortable with. I have told myself that this story would be difficult to write simply because of how not terrible the experience was as a whole. I believe the truth is that I’m uncertain of how this story will sound when it’s in print. What light may shed on these relics from my past. I sit here now determined to excavate that which I have long sought to inter.

I documented recently that I am a High School dropout, a fact I’ve been rather proud of lately. I especially enjoy flaunting this when someone bewails the matter of their student loans. I actually have a commenter from the other site to thank for this change in my outlook. Previously I carried my status as an embarrassment to myself, my family, and my country. All of which I blame on The Education System, and I’ll tell you why. Continue reading