The Best OBL-Themed Images

In spectacular fashion, the Internet has produced some hilarious .gifs, memes and photobombs after the news broke that after a decade of a “intense” manhunt,  Osama Bin Laden was located and killed by US Navy SEAL forces this past weekend. Here’s a collection of the funniest:

Warning: Yes, this makes light and finds levity in a serious and profound moment in United States history and the War on Terror. Do not proceed if you’re offended by this.

Don’t you hate it when your friends fucking tag you in pictures when you’re trying to hide out in your secret compound?

Bin Laden Needs to Fix His Privacy Settings











Fox News! Your racism is showing again!








America! Beating England since 1783:

America Does It Better









Obama clearly learned his superior hide and seek skills in Kenya:

Tag, You're It, Osama!









Go on, Barry, brush your shoulder off. Also 99 problems? If only!:

It's Funny Because He's Brushing His Shoulder Off Like Jay Z Does, Get It?











Change We Can Believe In:

Definitely a Change












And lastly, my favorite:

Mission Actually Accomplished












Finally, here’s a special Crasstalk shout out to Gary Waddle, who after 9/11, resolved not to shave until Osama Bin Laden was caught. Well, after 10 years, Gary finally shaved his nasty beard off. Obama & the US Armed Forces, I’m sure Gary’s wife thanks you heartily. [Via Dlisted via Mediate]

Gary's wife: "Honey..You made your point, now shave."










Links for pictures: [1], [2], [3],[header and 4] [5], [6-7]

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