Daily Archives: April 27, 2011

4 posts

Crass Flash Fiction: Photograph by NYPD

Roger was the kind of guy who liked to wax poetically on the beauty of suicide by G Train. The G Train, he said, was the most beautiful way to die, not because it left such an indelible mark on the tracks and the psychoses of everyone on the train or in the station, but because by choosing to jump in front of the G Train, one chose to wait. They chose to postpone their freedom. Roger Lygram was a patient person and he found beauty in his patience, so when he found his way into a holding cell on Canal Street (Roger found the NQR to be the least poetic of all the trains he could use as venues for suicide), he sat there and waited patiently to be freed.

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QOTD: What’s Your Favorite Onion Article?

I know, I know, it’s so hard to pick just one. But if you got to live in an imaginary world whose universal laws of the universe were shaped by a single Onion article, which would it be?

Me I’d go with the 11-year-old masterpiece “Welcome To T.G.I. Fridays! May I Annoy The Living Shit Out Of You?

You don’t really see them around as much anymore but about 15 years ago you suddenly started seeing shitass T.G.I. Fridays everywhere. I remember a college buddy of mine worked as a bartender at a particularly shitass TGIF and he would constantly brag about the SWEET BARTENDING TOURNAMENTS that the corporate office would throw for the shitass TGIF bartenders. We would laugh and laugh at that shit. (Give me a second here. I’m reminiscing.)