Daily Archives: April 6, 2011

12 posts

Question of the Day: Who’s the Celebrity You Most Resemble?

Welcome to the Crasstalk Question of the Day. Each morning we ask you a different question and you the Crass Nation provide an answer.

Today’s question is for you vain, vain people.

Who’s the celebrity you most resemble?

Now, you don’t actually have to look like Corey Feldman or Li’l Kim. You just have to resemble them more than any other celebrity. In fact, you don’t even have to say “I’m a poor man’s…..” We already assume you’re not quite as dashing as George Clooney or stacked like Pam Anderson!

I think my CIMR would have to be Brian Austin Green. Yeah, he’s way better looking than I’ll ever be, but I’m fairly sure I could rap better than him.