The Elite Eight starts this weekend and it appears that a certain desert sirocco is blowing through the Crasstalk March Madness Bracket Contest as Arizona is enjoying its best week since the week Cindy McCain snagged painkiller prescriptions from eight different doctors.
Here are your current top 10 bracketologists:
Dancing Queen, a notorious desert-dweller, is running away with this contest in much the same way an illegal immigrant runs away from Sherrif Joe Arpaio’s lasso of justice an armadillo runs away from a pack of coyotes. She now has a comfortable eight-point lead. Who will step up? If AZ goes down and Kansas or Ohio State make a run, this could be very exciting.
As for the games, did you SEE that epic bitch-slapping that Arizona put down on Duke? Did you think I’d forget to mention it? SILLY YOU. I hope you didn’t miss it. It was really sublime.
Let’s not forget to take a minute to recognize some of the teams that have royally fucked up our brackets:
- Syracuse. Please die in a fire at the North Face factory outlet store.
- Lousville. Feel free to catch whatever zombie virus Rick Pitino has.
- San Diego State. You are now exiled from San Diego and must live out your years in Rochester, N.Y.
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