Republicans Unwittingly Present Their Own Ideals for Public Health in Ads Against Obama

With open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act beginning October 1, GOP think tanks have stepped up their efforts to discredit “Obamacare”. The most lurid example so far might be twin ads from Generation Opportunity, an organization that seeks to put a youthful, peppy spin on stuffy Tea Party goals.

The clips feature twentysomethings stripping down for examinations. Without warning, after the unsuspecting innocents have put their feet in stirrups or pulled up their knees, their doctors transform into dead-eyed, Joker-reminiscent Uncle Sams grinning up from horrified patients’ nether regions. The screen flashes a warning: “Don’t let government play doctor”.

All he needs is a transvaginal probe.

There’s no word yet as to whether the ads’ creators are aware of the potential link viewers could make between the tone of these spots and the shadow cast by Republicans’ anti-choicepro-rape*, pro-dorm peeping views, but I like to think they’ll be getting “thank you” cards and flowers from late-night hosts and comics for serving up fodder on a silver platter.

*This site is technically not associated with the Republican Party apart from being an excellent catalog of their actual rape apologism.


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