The Cure for Lena Dunham’s Race Problem is Donald Glover

Oh, mercy. Remember all that hubbub about Dunham’s hit Girls not having many, if any, people of color on the show? The answer to all of those concerns, you know, about non-whites solely being considered just a part of NYC’s eclectic backdrop, is to throw Donald Glover, Childish Gambino to his friends (Troy to his lovers) onto the show as a “handsome Republican named Sandy” whom it’s believed will be dating Dunham’s character in season 2.

What should we take from the casting of a young African-American twenty-something with his own significant fanbase who also manages to intrigue and entertain the masses? Kismet? Pandering? A real bonafide ponderance? Will Dunham be able to squelch the equivalent to a television-sized Brooklyn Gentrification meme that her show has garnered since airing, or will we all just wish NBC could’ve gone ahead and launched Troy & Abed in the Morning and avoided this whole thing? (THIS!)

Apparently from early reviews of the second season Hannah is more aware of the race issues the show and perhaps she, and by extension, perhaps Dunham herself didn’t fully digest the first go round.

We have no doubt that whatever it was Dunham did or didn’t do with regard to addressing this issue, the debate will probably still continue. Now we have to contend with Donald Glover being a Republican.

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