The American Jobs Act Speech – A Liveblog featuring Momof3wildkids and MonkeyBiz

Editor’s Note:

Tonight we have the pleasure of a double live blog from MonkeyBiz and Momof3Wildkids. As many of you know, they do not generally see eye to eye on these issues so this should be a lot of fun. Sit back, grab your white zin, and enjoy.

MonkeyBiz’s Introduction:

For the entirety of Obama’s time in office, the economy has struggled mightily. It’s worth noting that he inherited an economy that was in what amounted to an economic death spiral, and likely prevented a free-fall into all out depression, but he and his economic team have managed to piss off both Keynesian and Austrian Economists by not delivering enough stimulus, while implementing tax and budget cuts. The result of the President’s policies has been an economy stuck in neutral, unable to get going again.

Tonight the President will unveil what is predicted to be an approximately $300 billion package comprised of tax cuts and spending.

I’ll be honest: I haven’t even heard this speech yet, and just based on the fact that it’s a $300 billion package that includes cuts, I already hate it.

If anything, the past thirty years and demonstrated pretty conclusively that tax cuts do not create jobs. Taxes have never stopped a company from making new investments in people and equipment, and tax cuts have never significantly encouraged them either.

Putting America back to work is going to require more than eliminating or reducing a handful of taxes that Joe and Jane Smith won’t notice. It’s going to require spending and investment in America in a way we haven’t done for fifty years.

From Momof3Wildkids:

I happen to agree that Obama inherited a royal mess when he took office.  Then he took a crappy situation and made it much worse.  Federal government payrolls have increased under his “reign” while state government and private employment has plummeted.

All the various stimulus plans he has executed – some of which Bush approved before he left office – have fallen flat. I disagree with Monkeybiz that he didn’t provide enough stimulus. He should have gotten out of the way of business hiring new employees; entrepreneurs creating new businesses; and simplifying regulation rather than increasing it dramatically.

I don’t expect much from Obama tonight, just like I didn’t last night. His team has been downplaying the importance of this speech. His administration revised expected unemployment numbers for the remainder of his term at remaining above 9%.  Way to set high goals!  I’d rather see him not spend a dime but remove the barriers for entrepreneurs to risk their money. There is also some reports that float the idea of giving tax credits to businesses that hire those that are unemployed versus currently employed.  I like that idea because it will probably help the middle and lower income workers.

My hope is that I am wrong. I hope that I am wowed.  Not by his wonderful oratory skills but by the content of his words.  We’ll see.

LiveChat Between Momof3wildkids and MonkeyBiz:

MonkeyBiz:  Good evening!
Momof3Wildkids:  Hey there. I’m watch the pregame on Fox to keep this even more interesting.  Pundits here believe that the prez purposely is laying out a plan that the Republicans will not accept.
MonkeyBiz:  I think, by virtue of the fact that the President is presenting it, that Republicans won’t accept it.
Momof3Wildkids:  I’m not digging Boehner’s or Biden’s tie.
Probably right, given last night’s debate. We will see how much he reaches across the aisle.  Here we go….
MonkeyBiz:  I haven’t seen anyone yet. I’m flipping between NBC and CBS
May switch to something else, depending on how the coverage goes
Momof3Wildkids:  I’m going to stay on Fox, mostly out of sheer laziness. I suspect they will be pretty quiet during this speech. I’m unfortunately going to have to leave right after the speech and drop a neighborhood girl at home. I’d like to hear what Fox pundits have to say.
MonkeyBiz:  Here, let me give you a hint. It’ll sound a lot like this: YouTube
Momof3Wildkids:  Tee hee!
MonkeyBiz:  Oh snap! Here we go.
Momof3Wildkids:  Ok, watching Brett Baier. He has no neck, first off. He has some sort of cute guy on talking. Yadadadayada. Don’t care what he says. He is cute.
Hilary is walking in. I’d like her to be President. She’d take no prisoners.
MonkeyBiz:  My local channel is soliciting donations for a 9/11 Memorial. I don’t know why.
Momof3Wildkids:  Are you cutting and pasting this in? then updating the post by reposting it? I don’t see it at crass
MonkeyBiz:  I will shortly. There will be a bit of a lag.
Momof3Wildkids:  Ed Henry at Fox is claiming that the president’s inner circle is calling this speech a ‘reset.’ Trying to work together w/the Republicans.
MonkeyBiz:  Are you okay with your real first name being used, or would you prefer a pseudonym?
Momof3Wildkids:  If it is JUST my first name, I’m ok with it.
MonkeyBiz:  Yes, just your first name
Momof3Wildkids:  Go for it.
Here is the gavel.  We are off!  Nice clapping. Let’s see if when they pan out it is both sides of the aisle.
Who is that goof ball lady shouting at him “be bold and brave?” That is what Michele Bachmann claims to do.
MonkeyBiz:  Huzzah!
The amount of restraint the man is showing by not turning around and slugging Eric Cantor is admirable.
MonkeyBiz:  Yes, our political crisis has made things about fifty billion times worse.
And no politician ever took a hit beating up on the press.
Momof3Wildkids:  Biden just scratched his eye. I’d have more respect for him if he did it with his middle finger versus pinkie.
MonkeyBiz:  Biden looks like he’s trying not to fall asleep.
Momof3Wildkids:  He is doing a good job so far.  This intro is covering a lot of personal stories that are applicable to the current economic situation.
Fluff. but good
MonkeyBiz:  Someone should let the President know that hasn’t been the case since the 80s.
Momof3Wildkids:  “Washington has not always put their interests first.” NO SHIT SHERLOCK>
MonkeyBiz:  Duh and or hello.
Bring back the Fairness Act!
Momof3Wildkids:  Restoring ‘fairness” uh oh. Here we go.  Usually means wealth redistribution.
MonkeyBiz:  Biden nods seriously.
There shouldn’t be anything controversial, but there will be.
Momof3Wildkids:  Nods? I think he is looking at his nut sack.
MonkeyBiz:  Oh, there will be.
But I thought teachers made like $90,000 a year?
Momof3Wildkids:  Um, Obama. I’d focus more on getting more jobs than getting more money in the pockets of those that have jobs.
MonkeyBiz:  I think he just got to that
Momof3Wildkids:  You should pass this jobs plan right away?  WTF is it?
MonkeyBiz:  More people with jobs = more people with money in their pockets = more spending = more jobs.
Momof3Wildkids:  Oh my, Mitch looks constipated.
MonkeyBiz:  Mitch McConnell looks like, god, I just don’t know. All I know is that it’s awful.
Momof3Wildkids:  Wait, Monkey… more people w/money in their pockets equals more jobs?  Trickle down economics baby!!!!
MonkeyBiz:  Except that trickle down economics purports that the rich create jobs.
Really, it’s bucket passing economics.
Momof3Wildkids:  Bucket passing?  Pass the piss bucket right now.  Wait for the shake.
Shovel ready school projects? Hmm. Where have i heard that before.
I’m all for it, if it works. But it rings hollow
MonkeyBiz:  Act now! Great schools can be yours for only 3 low payments of $100 billion!
Momof3Wildkids:  No more EARMARKS?  Really???
MonkeyBiz:  Bridges to nowhere referece! DRINK!
Those are two pretty good criteria. As far as non-specific criteria go.
Momof3Wildkids:  I think we should add “You should pass it right away” to the drinking bit. Used it at least twice now.
MonkeyBiz:  Done.
Momof3Wildkids:  Pass this bill.  Drink.
MonkeyBiz:  Veterans reference, cut to John McCain.
Momof3Wildkids:  McCain cut. You beat me to it.  Notice no John Kerry cut.
MonkeyBiz:  Yeah, stand up and clap for the veterans.
Momof3Wildkids:  Ok, This I can get behind. Tax credit for hiring the long term unemployed. Not sure how much this will cost, but I like the general idea.
MonkeyBiz:  I agree.
Momof3Wildkids:  Not sure I like the extension of unemployment. Can we make it a loan or something?  I don’t know.  Seems like a long time to collect when perhaps they should be looking for a lower paying job
MonkeyBiz:  Easier said than done. I’ve been unemployed. It’s not fun.
The President just cockslapped Grover Norquist on national TV.
Momof3Wildkids:  Defending a tax cut? Ok, spending cuts. Better.
Biden looks like the cat that ate the canary with that statement.
Why Monday? Advocating for months?  BS.
MonkeyBiz:  My God, it’s deficit neutral? A long term deficit plan?
There’s your “wealth redistribution”.
Momof3Wildkids:  Interesting he is talking about corps paying their fair share when a GE exec is in the audience.  GE paid no US taxes, I thought
MonkeyBiz:  I don’t know about you, but I really don’t mind wealth being redistributed, since as a middle class worker, I’m going to get more redistributed to than I’ll redistribute.
Warren Buffett reference! DRINK!
Oh stand up and clap, you orange bastard.
Momof3Wildkids:  Frankly, I mind it. By your definition I’m not middle class.  I don’t mind paying taxes. I just mind paying more than half of my income to various Uncle Sugars.
MonkeyBiz:  If there were ever a group of people that should not, under any circumstances, be shown in HD, it’s Congress.
Momof3Wildkids:  Priorities.  Here we go.
Bah! Just saw your HD comment.  There is a lot of mottled orange going on there.
MonkeyBiz:  Simple math isn’t something most of Congress is good at.
Democrat and Republican alike.
Momof3Wildkids:  Let’s chat about Buffet for a second.  This guy has the ability to write a big check to the US from his wealth. What is he doing instead? He is giving it to charities. Hmmmm.  Public vs private.  Which is better? Actions speak louder than words.
MonkeyBiz:  The National Debt is $14.6 trillion. You could nationalize the wealth of the 20 wealthiest individuals on the planet, and it would pay for the deficit for one year.
Momof3Wildkids:  That will be one of the ‘final solutions.’ Taxing wealth versus income.
MonkeyBiz:  I like taxing income. I don’t think wealth should be generational.
Yay patent reform!
Momof3Wildkids:  Hiliary had her bitch face on there.  Sweet
MonkeyBiz:  Someone get a screencap of Hilary there with a “SOON.” tag.
Momof3Wildkids:  YES!!!!
MonkeyBiz:  USA! USA! USA!
Biden just fist pumped!
Momof3Wildkids:  Working side by side w/bid-ness? Manufacturing in US. did you see the fist pump?
I guess you did. 🙂
MonkeyBiz:  Obama sounds like Tony Stark from Iron Man.
Cut to Eric Cantor, looking bored.
Momof3Wildkids:  Cantor isn’t bored. He is aggravated that Obama is giving a reasonable speech.  Oh an admittance that there is too much regulation?  Yeah!  500 reforms? Billions of dollars?
Common sense test? Not going to happen
MonkeyBiz:  Regulation is important, but it’s also important that regulation be reasonable.
Momof3Wildkids:  I wonder if Paul thinks this reasonable!
MonkeyBiz:  Paul doesn’t think anything is reasonable.
The President just dickslapped the entire GOP field.
MonkeyBiz:  The answer: Somalia.
Momof3Wildkids:  Our infrastructure is crumbling.  We do need to invest in that (added bonus! my husband invest in those stocks)  Drink!
MonkeyBiz:  So much less porn.
A lot. We love our porn.
I keep waiting for him to drop a “brah” in there.
Momof3Wildkids:  He mentioned God? What will the tea partiers think?  Conversion?
Michelle Obama looks like she is done done done.
MonkeyBiz:  Wouldn’t you be?
There’s no way my arms could withstand that kind of scrutiny.
Momof3Wildkids:  Her arms still rock.  If my husband was President, I would have ask him to quit a long time ago.
MonkeyBiz:  Oh yeah. I would have made it about six months before I punched a member of Congress.
Momof3Wildkids:  Listen to every good proposal? Puhleez.  You should pass it? Drink.
What’s with Biden’s scratching? Guilty of something?
MonkeyBiz:  I think he’s just itchy.
Momof3Wildkids:  Well that was a short one. lots of God blessing there in the end.
MonkeyBiz:  Huzzah.
Now where’s Michele Bachmann’s rebuttal? That’s gonna be good.
Momof3Wildkids:  Did seem more like a campaign speech than anything else. He has his ‘voice’ back.
MonkeyBiz:  Hey! It’s Dick Lugar!
Momof3Wildkids:  All in all, good speech.  VERY low on details which won’t be forthcoming until Monday.  Why? My fears is the details suck.
MonkeyBiz:  I agree. The devil is always in the details.
On it’s face, the ideas are good, and bipartisan.
Momof3Wildkids:  The challenge for the Republicans is to see what these details are and decide if they can live with them. If not, they risk continue being the party of “NO.”
MonkeyBiz:  Yes, it was a political speech, but it’s political in the way that if you disagree with a lot of it, it’s because you just hate the President.
Momof3Wildkids:  I don’t disagree with it at face value, because there isn’t so much as a nose outlined here. Add jobs! Reduce taxes! Give tax credits to those who hire unemployed people!  Yeah team.  Now, let’s see what it really means.
MonkeyBiz:  Agreed. I switched over to Fox News. I’m trying to staunch the blood flow from my ears.
Momof3Wildkids:  Sadly, I cannot watch any more Monkey. I need to tend to children. Children who will probably never see a dime of Social Security unless it is reformed. 🙂
MonkeyBiz:  “How many Democrats wish this President had given this speech a year ago?” All of them.
Momof3Wildkids:  Fun doing this with you tonight.
MonkeyBiz:  I enjoyed this as well.
Momof3Wildkids:  Two years ago would have been better!
MonkeyBiz:  That too.
Momof3Wildkids:  Wait credible threat? Fuuuuuck.
Thanks Monkey and to all that participated.  I’m off!
MonkeyBiz:  Thanks to Momof3 and everyone that participated!

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