Coming Attractions: Carrie Bradshaw Gets Baby Boomed

So your best girlfriend Carrie Bradshaw didn’t marry that douchetastical blowhard Mr. Big! No, not at all. She married former Talk Soup host Greg Kinnear. They have 2.4 kids and live in a Manhattan brownstone, plus she’s a high-powered something or other! This is exactly the movie you thought you were going to see two years ago, right?

The trailer for I Don’t Know How She Does It opens exactly…and I mean exactly like an episode of Sex and the City right down to the voiceover and fun, funky lady-music soundtrack, except Carrie has cut out all those other chicks and replaced them with Christina Hendricks, Seth Meyers, Pierce Brosnan, and Kelsey Grammer. Huh? Well, okay. Whatever!

I’d like to say that this will be an interesting study on the work/life balance many women face on a daily basis, but somehow it looks like it will touch on the subject with a lot of Hollywood gloss and sheen. Sure, yes, she’s a mom and an attorney, ad exec, VP of Vandelay Industries? But mostly it looks like a love letter to New York City and its most fashion conscious resident, Sarah Jessica Parker. I want to root for this one since I’m sure in press junkets we’ll hear the Baby Boom comparisons, but mostly it’s a wait and see for me.

Parker hasn’t had the best movie track record as of late, (We heard about the Morgans…and it wasn’t pretty) but she may bounce back with a tale set in a city that showed her much affection for more than a decade.

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