And the man called Rumpelstiltskin, he of thimble-sized laments and vindictive undermining, or as we know him by his earthly name, John McCain, has gotten his way. Continue reading
Secretary of State
2 posts
In a new article released by the New York Times, sources confirm that Michael Bloomberg didn’t want his reign over New York City to end with ushering in some regular schmoe politician. Oh, no siree. On the contrary, since being mayor of New York is akin to being an Egyptian Pharaoh, he wanted to find a successor worthy of the magnanimous role of presiding over the entire world of New York — and by extension apparently the boroughs of Atlantis, Valhalla, and Narnia — and that person would be soon to be retired Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.
Bloomberg, who’s had a good relationship with Clinton, placed a call to the Secretary of State to encourage her entry into the 2013 mayor’s race. Continue reading