
2 posts

What the PlayStation Still Has to Offer

All you young kids with your vidja games nowadays playing your Portal 2: Black Ops, Super Street Fighter IV: U.S. Navy Seals, and Fuck, Death, Kill: Unnecessary Violence and No Characters need to get off my lawn and let me take you back to the days of the Sony Playstation JRPG (Japanese Role Playing Game).  In my opinion, the original Playstation gave the world the best single-player JRPGs of all time.  It was the first system to use CDs well and as such gave a player the chance to enter a whole new world for over a full work week.  These games gave you at minimum 40 hours of play time in your first attempt after an era of Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog. Continue reading

A History of Pixelated Violence

Boss Fight Bunneh

Note: This article was written by Madfall with very minor edits provided by LeftCoastLady. Madfall was shy about submitting it under his own moniker.

Action games are like any other drug, you start off with something simple and seemingly harmless — in my case it was “Tomb Raider 2” — and in no time at all you’re playing something like “Silent Hill 2,” a product so terrifying that it actually made me whimper aloud in more than one place.

I always had a passing interest in games growing up but being as poor as a church mouse I never had an Atari, NES, SNES or any of the consoles that came before the Playstation — the Playstation was my downfall.
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