
2 posts

I Think I’ve Discovered the Umami of Music

If you’re a pretentious foodie geek culinary savoir-faire you’re probably familiar with the concept of umami. It’s a Japanese word for the “fifth basic taste” (after sweet, sour, bitter and salty) that was only isolated and identified in 1985.

The idea of some hidden dimension of flavor is a pretty coddamn interesting one and while listening to music recently it occurred to me that my ears were detecting something similar in many new songs.  Continue reading

Watch M83’s Entire Set From Coachella

We live in amazing times. Within a day of M83’s by-all-accounts-amazing set Friday night at Coachella, high quality videos of the entire set were up on Youtube. Most concert footage posted on the internet is utter crap, but in this case whoever shot these apparently had access to the soundboards because the audio sounds great. Oh, and the set is split into four video, so I embedded them as a playlist and they’ll all play together.