home remedies

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QOTD: Home Remedies

I had a sinus headache for several days and it got me thinking about what we do to avoid going to the doctor. For my headache I’ve run my Neti pot twice a day, applied a warm buckwheat and lavender spa wrap to my head, and, lest you think I’m a hippie, took two ibuprofen every few hours. I’ve been known to sip flat cola for nausea and knock back a half-teaspoon of baking soda for agida. I’ve also reduced my seasonal allergies by eating a little raw local honey every day. Okay, maybe I am a bit of hippie.

Today’s Question of the Day: What are some of your tried and true home remedies?

Disclaimer: Nothing in this post or its comments is intended as medical advice. If it hurts, itches, bleeds, oozes, or stays erect for more than four hours, please see your doctor.