
3 posts

Full List of TV Shows with Fat Husbands and Skinny Wives


The television trope of a leading male character being a fat, schlubby funny guy and having a hot, skinny and sometimes younger wife has been around since at least Ralph and Alice Kramden in The Honeymooners. These differences always strike people as odd because studies have shown that long term couples tend to have similar BMIs. This makes sense when people share meals and exercise habits. Certainly couples exist in the world where the husband is a tubalub and the wife is thin, but in situation comedies it’s almost a requirement.

Since a list didn’t seem to exist, here is the full accounting of television shows featuring a fat husband and a skinny wife*. Continue reading

“World’s Heaviest Mother” to Lose Weight

Anyone remember Donna Simpson? In case you don’t, she is the woman who aspired to weigh 1,000 pounds. She’s also the Guinness World Record holder for the heaviest woman to give birth. She only made it to roughly 600 pounds, and now she’s making you all kiss that Donna goodbye! Having recently gone through a bad breakup with the man who fed her, she’s decided to turn her back on her 15,000-calorie-a-day diet. Continue reading