Are you in the mood for the simplest dinner ever? Seriously, ever? (Well, to be clear, there is actual cooking involved – this isn’t “Take-Out Sunday” after all.) Then you’re going to love this. Continue reading
Launie K.
I’ve been a nut for citrus lately. A nut! But, I overbought oranges and found myself desperately looking for ways to use them before they went bad.
We also had the world’s smallest and weirdest amount of grapefruit juice in the fridge. Seriously, like 2 tablespoons.
So I decided to play with citrus, and that made me think of some lovely warming flavors – which led me to the spice drawer. Continue reading
There are some condiments that I always need to have on hand. One of them is sesame oil. Do you have some leftover chicken you want to liven up? Boom! Sesame oil. Do you want a fun vinaigrette? Boom! Sesame oil.
And in this recipe, pork is rubbed with spices and finished with sesame oil. Bonus? Easy wasabi barbecue sauce.
Hello January, you old so and so. Grey skies that vacillate between snow and rain, ice, sleet, and hail. We know what your game is.
But guess what we have to fight against you? Soup. Delicious, simple, and comforting soup. Continue reading
For years when the urge for hash browns hit, I would just make oven roasted home fries. Hash browns can kind of be a pain. You have to use half a roll of paper towels to get the potatoes really dry, and Mama doesn’t have time for that. Continue reading
Hey, oh! It’s just a few days from Christmas. You know what that means. Panic! Or not. Let’s go with the second option. Chances are that you have things on hand to make some pretty fun last minute gifts – and that will save you a hellish trip to the mall. Continue reading
With the holidays coming up, I like to have crazy simple recipes in my little bag o’tricks.
And it doesn’t get easier than this. The hardest thing is leveling the chocolate with an offset spatula.
Which, as I’m sure you can imagine, isn’t difficult at all. Continue reading
Happy Fifth Anniversary, Crasstalk! Yay! XOXO!
And to celebrate, lets slow cook some spicy chicken thighs. These guys are sweet with a decent amount of heat, and – although there are a few ingredients – you use them twice.
So, that kind of means half the ingredients, right? Continue reading
I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. My obsessions run more toward tomatoes, because apparently I make no sense.
But the other day when the temperature climbed back in the 90’s, (and it was too hot to turn the oven on) I woke up craving chocolate blueberry cookies.
See, I told you I make no sense. Continue reading
If you’re looking for a healthy summer recipe, this isn’t the recipe for you.
However, if you’re looking for something delicious, salty and buttery, with new potatoes – you’re going to be right at home. Pull up a chair and stay awhile! Continue reading