Oh, business meetings, how we loathe thee. Here we sit, cursed with the meeting being lead by someone who doesn’t know how to lead meetings. Who cannot stick to the agenda. Whose agenda is terrible to start with. Who cannot control the grand-standers and blow-hards, the completely-off-topic-ers. Who cannot keep a clock. Continue reading
Delta Sierra
This post is, as we had a couple of days ago, a place to have your say about this weekend’s events in Ukraine.
Here is a brief history of Crimea.
Crimea has been fought over since before it was Crimea. The ancient Greeks set up some colonies, but then came the Romans, then the Crimean Tatars (part of Genghis Khan’s Golden Horde), then Goths, Huns, Bulgars, Khazars, and then the Kievan Rus in the 10th and 11th centuries. Byzantine Empire, Mongols, then Venice, and then the Republic of Genoa. Continue reading
The uprising currently happening in Ukraine is heart-stopping. Things are happening fast there. Please use this post to share the latest news reports, your feelings, hopes and fears for the people there. Continue reading
Being a horrible lightweight when it comes to drinking, I don’t myself have a long list of hangover remedies. Two drinks (doubles, granted, but still) and I’m out. And will probably feel bad the next day. But nothing that time and a couple of quarts of Gatorade can’t fix.
The articles I read doing research for this generally start up with a lot of pious nonsense like “drink less’, as a preventative measure. Idiots. Continue reading
Pretty much anything in the Magic Box. I loved the Magic Box.
When Buffy was awarded a sad little decorated umbrella for being ‘class protector’ at the prom that time.
When she tells Angel that Spike isn’t her boyfriend, but he is ‘in her heart’.
When she says, “Mom… Mom… Mommy?” when she finds her mother’s body. Her voice becoming slower and sadder as the truth sinks in is heart-breaking. Continue reading
Fox Mulder. Women want him. Men want to be him.
Dana Scully. Men want her. Women want to be her.
Remember the one in the Florida prison? Mulder asks Scully, if she could kill five people who had pissed her off, who would they be? Her answer: “I only get five?” Continue reading
Does anyone else feel a cold chill of dread run down their spine and curl up in their stomach in a ghastly blob when they press Start on an appliance and nothing happens? I mean a really, really cold, fat thread of impending doom. And a little bit of taking it personally?
If you rent, now you have to contact the landlady/lord and hope s/he is a decent type and will repair it for you in a timely manner.
If you own, you have to find a repair person you hope knows their ass from their elbow and will come soon and give you a window of less than 8 hours. And you have to fret about what they’ll charge. And whether they’ll give you that sad shake of the head that means you really ought to replace the whatever. Continue reading
The FCC, previously worried that your personal wireless gadgets (“hi Ma! we’re on the runway now!”) would interfere with the plane’s wireless gadgets (“roger that, Ground, Keepusintheair device functioning A-OK”), is in the midst of changing the rules. Continue reading
Either as a customer or as a staffer. Do we have any restaurant managers here? I bet that’s a fun job 🙁
I’ve researched this topic inside my head and can’t come up with too many examples of bad restaurant meals. Lucky me! Hunh. Cautious me. There’ve been a few times when Mr. has eyeballed a place and I eyeballed him right back with one of those are-you-even-kidding-me eyeballs that are so useful between friends. Continue reading
Maybe you were broke. Maybe the hotel mis-advertised itself. Maybe it was a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere and there was nowhere else to stay.
Where was it? How did you end up in it?
Once we stayed at a well-known resort in Muskoka, aka Toronto’s Vacation Wonderland. The room had flooded and no one on the staff had noticed. Step inside room. Squelch. Not a good start to a vacation. Continue reading