Pretty much anything in the Magic Box. I loved the Magic Box.
When Buffy was awarded a sad little decorated umbrella for being ‘class protector’ at the prom that time.
When she tells Angel that Spike isn’t her boyfriend, but he is ‘in her heart’.
When she says, “Mom… Mom… Mommy?” when she finds her mother’s body. Her voice becoming slower and sadder as the truth sinks in is heart-breaking.
Spike, about Angel: “He wears lifts, y’know.”
The moment when hopelessly-in-love, 17-year old Buffy sees what Angel really is.
When Giles goes all flinty-eyed telling Principal Snyder that he’s not going to get up Buffy’s nose anymore.
And on and on and on. There are very few episodes I wouldn’t sit down and rerererewatch if it came by on reruns. How about you?
Photographer: Scott Dykzeul. Source Wikimedia Commons. The image is the main entrance of Torrance High School, used as Sunndydale High in the tv series.