Betty Crocker

43 posts

Ignorance and Bigotry in Serendipity and Harmony


Folks, meet Ah Be Ignorant.  We’ll call her Abby, and I will reveal nothing else about her except her own words.  On a website which won’t be named and isn’t the one I fled in droves, Abby and I both read an article about an archeolgical dig that discovered a man’s remains from The Copper Age (about 5000 years ago).  Our prehistoric gent was buried facing to the left, with a number of jars and pots.

No big deal?  Well, burial rituals were very serious business back then, and that burial position and accoutrements were reserved exclusively for women.  Tabloids screamed: “GAY CAVEMAN FOUND!” and scientists went all a-dither.  While this is an interesting discovery, you simply can’t tell someone’s sexual orientation by what they were buried in.  We’re sure based on the age of the bones that he wasn’t a “caveman,” and we can’t tell for sure if he was gay.

On the smirking site for old people, the findings were published as just that – interesting, perhaps as an indicator of social acceptance for different gender expressions.  We know that “third-gender” is a concept recognized by anthropologists.  Except for Abby.

Abby wrote: Glad I’m sitting down, because I would have fallen over laughing.

Really, Abby?  The very idea of gay people existing over the span of time is funny?   The idea that the manner of burial suggests something is absurd?

So I looked at her picture, and without taking into account the glazed look in the dead raisins of her eyes or the way her doughy face cracked open to reveal a roll of stale Mentos melting in the sun of a Murfreesboro parking lot, and without considering the fact that her dog looks like a Hell-o-Lab rather than a Yellow one, I wrote:

I hope they’re sitting down in 3011 when they dig you up and find Fido and a jar of Skippy peanut butter.

Naturally, the author of the article deleted my comment, but not before Abby responded: I’ve never eaten peanut butter in my life and if they want to dig me up, I won’t give a flying fig!

I suppose I should have been more graphic.  But I did sign in as Heywood Jablowme, so I had to draw a line.

Stupid people.  Making America more of an anti-intellectual hole every day.  Full story, from another site:

MomCrocker and DadCrocker + Stereo = Lunacy

Living with Mom and Dad in the Ancestral Family Split-Level was quite an experience, and law school was boggling. When I moved back home after college, I was unprepared for the efforts of my Old People to stay young.

I don’t know if it’s a Scot thing or a Milanese thing, but we all tend to sing when we think we’re alone and are doing a domestic task.  Mine tend to come from VH-1’s Top 20, and Mom and Dad tend to Motown, since in 1961 that was the thing.

The central staircase of a split-level separates the living areas by function, which is cool.  It also enables one to spy on what’s going on on other levels without being seen.

So, when I came home from work and discovered that my Jamiroquai CD was missing from my car, I was a tad startled to hear it blasting from the stereo in the dining room.


She had her friend Pam in the living room and was dusting.  There was wine – a huge bottle of Pinot Grigio.  She sang “You know this spooky is for real!” and Pam folded up on the sofa in a pile of giggles.  I stood there on the stairs to the den with my jaw unhinged as Mom pranced around with a can of Pledge.  Canned Heat with lemon freshness. “I threw my caution to the wi-hi-hind!  Oh. Hi. I borrowed your CD.  Do you want some wine?”

“Mom, I think you’ve had enough for both of us.”  The crazy bitch was actually speaking LOLcat.

Finally, I tottered out to the terrace and called my friend Bill.  After telling him what was up, I asked if I could move in with him.  “My Mom sings ‘Stairway To Heaven’ when she dusts.” he informed me. “You’re better off.”

Then, the next day, I was watching HGTV in the den with the kitty, and Dad was working in the garage with the door open just a bit.  It was just enough to hear him yell along with Boston “I closed mah eyes and she slipped away-ayyy-hay! She slipped away-AY-HAY! It’s moar than a feeeeeling (moar than a feeling) when I hear that old song play woo-ooh-ooh-hoo!” The cat cocked an ear in that general direction, then shook his head, like “Christ, make it stop.”  My sentiments exactly.

I peeked in, and there he was at his workbench – making a goddam birdhouse, so that the goddam blue jays have a haven from which to dive-bomb our outdoor meals.

“Are both of you batshit?” I asked him.

“Maybe, a little.”

“Great. That looks terrific for me and my future.”


Don’t get me wrong.  If I had boring Old People I’d be bored and more than slightly irritated.  I just wish they were a little less musical about it.

And I’m so glad I live 20 minutes away now, with my Cap’n.  Though he thinks I’m a bit kooky when he catches me singing Colbie Callait to the cats.

Murder By The Sea

At 7 AM on a glittering July morning in 1996, I lay nude and face down on an expensive sheet in the sands of Tobay Beach, a sugary-sanded stretch of barrier island off Long Island’s South Shore.  Terns circled overhead and the scent of beach roses was intoxicating.  Nudity is allowed on this particular beach, and although I’m shy, I took note of the fact that I was very much alone.

My huge, blond, Nordic boyfriend had gone for a walk – probably to explore his other options, and this made me sad. My annoyance was compounded when a Coast Guard Officer approached. I looked around for my swimsuit, certain he was going to tell me to put it back on.

He did not.

He squatted down and engaged me in charming conversation.  He was handsome and lean, about 40 or so, and had delightful, kind, vibrantly green eyes.  He gently ran a hand over my ass, and without a lot of heat I told him that my boyfriend would kill him.  He patted his gun and told me he’d take his chances.  We had a very in-depth conversation without a lot of words.

Hindsight is 20/20.  I shouldn’t have let him depart while casting wistful gazes at my derriere. The Nordic boyfriend was short-lived, and the idea of canoodling in a cabin with a Swarthy Sea Dog has crossed my mind more than once since then. Yes, I have my beloved Cap’n, but haven’t all of you wondered what might have been?

Back to being alone.  For all their natural beauty, the barrier islands are isolated and feel like the last place on earth.  You can drive 90 minutes and be in Times Square, but here, it’s Nowheresville.

This is probably why a serial killer chose to dump 8 of his victims on the bay side of Ocean Parkway.  No one except for avid fishermen go in those dunes.  The sands there are covered with scrub oaks, Japanese Black Pine trees, and are home to bunnies, hawks and sea birds.  And now, the remains of young women.

Most of the victims seem to be prostitutes, which to me is just tragic.  It’s bad enough that they felt they had to make a living in a dangerous, degrading profession, but to be murdered and left in the dunes is just a terrible fate which no one deserves.  The three latest victims have not been identified yet.

One of the victims met a wealthy man for a “date”, and he was the last to see her alive. He’s been interviewed extensively, and I’m quite sure he didn’t kill her.  I think it’s just a wrong-place-wrong-time thing for him, and he’s probably mortified that all his neighbors in his tony hamlet know he trolls Craigslist for hookers.

So who did kill these women?

Well, FBI profiling would indicate a white man in his 30s or 40s, isolated and normal-looking, with few friends and nobody close.  The 8 victims found are probably only a few of his.  And law enforcement will have a hard time catching him unless he screws up.  Nassau County Police and the NYPD barely speak to each other about missing persons and murder victims.  In fact, one victim reported missing in the city sat in a Nassau morgue for over a month before someone thought to check.

The killer is probably  local – I’m guessing from Suffolk County.  He’s probably geeky and wears outdated clothes – all serial killers who have been caught fit this mold.  Definitely not a corporate type, and probably not well-off.  He probably plans his killings meticulously, but “goes somewhere else” in his head during the actual murders.

I just described the entire populace of the towns of Mastic and Shirley.  The cops have a lot of work to do.  Stay tuned.

How to Have Your Hybrid Tea Roses…. Coming Up Roses

Hybrid Tea Roses – A primer!

Hybrid Tea roses have a bit of a reputation as pampered princesses in the garden which require a lot of work.  To some extent, this is true.  However, with a bit of preventive care, any weekend warrior can enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of these wonderful flowers.

Why Hybrid Tea?
Flowers of early cultivars were said to smell of tea, though citrus and berry scents are very prevalent today.  These roses are grafted onto a hardy rootstock.  In the nursery, you will be able to see this as a small round knob (called a bud union) near the base of the plant.  More on this when we get to actual planting.

Mr. Lincoln

Location / growth habit: full sun, and well-drained soil.  They need to bake in the sun all day if possible, though 6 hours of full sun will produce a good result. Roses are usually planted in groups because this makes care easier. Roses do not like wet feet, so heavy clay soils will need to be amended to include some sand and organic matter.  Sandier soils will require the addition of organic matter and plenty of mulch around the base of the plant.  Tea roses grow from 3 to 6 feet in height. Generally, they produce one flower at the end of each stem and flower from early summer until fall.

Varieties: A few favorites of mine, which Dad had me plant at The Ancestral Family Split Level as a 30th anniversary gift to MomCrocker.  We chose mainly vintage varieties for their proven performance and spectacular fragrance.

Mr. Lincoln – deep red, fragrant:

Tropicana – coral, citrus fragrance:

Peace – pink, yellow… and historic!

Garden Party – white with faint pink and yellow –

Queen Elizabeth – breathtaking clear pink –

Midas Touch – sun yellow and citrusy –

Medallion – deep apricot –

We added others later, but tried to give the garden a vintage style that fit the nearby slate terrace and the woods behind our backyard.  A solar-powered small fountain attracts birds.  Now, after 20 years of TLC, Mom’s roses are what draw people out of the kitchen during summer parties.  This isn’t hers – we used lavender as a border – but it’s close enough to give you the idea.

So you’ve selected your rose, hopefully a container-grown sturdy specimen with dark glossy leaves.  How to plant?  In general, that bud union goes an inch or two below ground in places with harsh winters, and an inch or so above in temperate places.  Your local nursery owner can help you decide.  Put some well-rotted cow manure or compost in the hole along with a light application of fertilizer such as Rose Tone or Osmocote.  Mulch your new charge with shredded cedar, keeping the mulch an inch away from the stem. And always water from beneath, keeping water off the leaves, lest ye get…

BLACK SPOT! Sworn enemy of tea roses, black spot can ruin an entire garden.  It’s a fungal disease that attacks the leaves, eventually moving on to the stems and killing the whole plant.  Dust-type fungicides are helpful, but you must attack this immediately if you see it. Any leaf with a yellow spot and a black center must be removed and discarded – never in the compost pile.

Another enemy is aphids, an insect which sucks the life out of the buds and new growth of plants.  These are easily controlled with an dust-type insecticide.  Organic types may wish to try manual removal (smush them like a Jersey Shore DTF’er) or by purchasing live ladybugs, but my experience is that ladybugs keep some alive and use them as “cows”, petting them with their little legs until nectar is secreted. Yuck.

Fertilize carefully and well, following package directions.  Pull back the mulch, work the fertilizer gently into the soil with your fingers, water, then put the mulch back. Don’t fertilize too late in the season, as this will encourage tender growth which can be damaged by frost.  Prune in late winter, removing any damaged canes or canes that cross each other. Aim for an open shape and remove no more than 50% of the old growth.  (Note – some roses prefer a more serious pruning.  Check with the grower.)

Companion plants:  Some people like to plant a low border around their rose bed.  I have found lavender to be excellent for this purpose, as it likes the same growing conditions and the silvery gray foliage and purple or white flowers are a nice contrast.  Heather also looks good because it blooms way before the roses do. Low growing annuals such as Sweet Alyssum or Lobelia can provide summer color as well.

Try a Hybrid Tea in a sunny spot.  You may be surprised at how easy they are and how prolific their flowers are.

Flames… On the Side of My Face!!!


What do you do when someone just sends you into a white-hot rage? The answer is: it depends. Sometimes you abruptly resign, file divorce papers, or toss some cash on the restaurant table and quietly but quickly leave. These can be very satisfying savers of your sanity, though divorces always make me a little sad.

Most times, though, you try to work it out. How much effort you put into this depends a lot on you and your temperament. Hotheads and angermonkeys need to put things in check, which is reinforced by our society. They blow up; get it out, sometimes leaving carnage but at least protect themselves. But what of those of us who are, say, passionate emotionally but behaviorally overcivilized? We – I’m one of these – have a tendency to let our anger build up to intolerable levels, and then snap. Sometimes we internalize it, taking it out on the wrong people, or letting it affect our health. Most insomniacs and heavy drinkers are wired this way. The snapping phase can be epic. If you are known for not raising your voice or cursing, it gets a LOT of attention when you finally do.

That’s good. No one wants to be married to Barnacle Bill. But there’s more. I’ve learned a thing or two about this subject. If you’re known as being even-keeled, and you sometimes feel like your emotional schooner is named Poseidon and Fergie is flying upside down through the ballroom, hear me.

Protect yourself. Your reputation is not worth the cost of your emotional health. Do a few healthy things to address your immediate state of mind. Take a bath, go for a run, talk it out with your kitty. (Not a loved one at this point. You will seem whiny and they will interrupt with questions. Kitties and doggies were invented because they just listen and don’t judge.) Resist the urge to self-medicate by re-creating Valley Of The Dolls or sitting alone in the dark guzzling wine. It doesn’t help.

Calm now? Good. No one expects you to be Sweet Susie Sunshine at this point – you’re still mad. Now is the time to grab a pad and list what you plan to do about the issue. Taking action restores your sense of control over the situation. Some examples:

  • The Office Bully / Underminer: Gets reported to the CEO or other management as appropriate, with documented instances and facts to back you up.  If nothing is done, it’s a trip to HR.  And if nothing is still done – you quit.  Finding another job first is best, obviously.
  • Bitchy Cousin Hazel: Ruins every family event with gossip, slander and bigotry.  It’s almost like she can’t help it.  Maybe she can’t.  But you’re sick of it, you don’t want your spouse and kids subjected to it, and it’s not a quirk you can stand anymore.  Cut her. Explain to her with specific examples why you’re taking a break from hosting her at Easter – “You know, Hazel, this is hard for me to say, but celebrating the risen Christ isn’t easy with your frequent use of the n-bomb at the table and speculating that people who aren’t there go to sex clubs.  We can’t do it anymore.”  Repeated requests should be met with “I’m so sorry, we just can’t.”
  • The Manipulator: Your friend Karen is more fun than a barrel of monkeys and sweeter than a nest of baby bluebirds.  But she never has her wallet when you go out, and her car is always in the shop.  She borrows books and clothes and doesn’t return them.  Now she’s asking for money.  Don’t, unless you consider it a gift.  You’ll never see it again, and her doe-eyed mental trips to Someplace Else when you ask about it will just get further and further away.  See above: “I’m so sorry, I just can’t.”  You don’t have to explain why.  She knows already.

So! Now you have a plan, and you’re about to implement it. Here are your biggest hurdles to get over: you want to be liked, and you hate chaos and disorder. It’s really very simple. Not everyone is going to like you. That’s just reality, babe, and you know we all love you here anyway. Plus, the chaos and disorder that result from this confrontation may not matter much in a very short time. This is where your beloved comes in. He or she should be backing you up 100%. You should always present a united front, and if this requires a weepy phone call from a stairwell or multiple hugs, you have every right to expect them. As for your friends? Wise sage Miss Manners (aka Judith Martin) spake thusly: “Your best friend is the person who convinces you that the unbearable is in fact bearable because it is also funny.” I want to buy that gal a Gibson. Now go and do what needs doing.

Aftermath: This may be slightly messy, but you may bask in the twin satisfactions of Doing The Best You Could and Not Taking Any Shit.

Repeat. Over and over, all the days of your life.  Your heart, your mind and your spouse will thank you for it.

Yes, I quit my job, and yes, I gave no notice, and yes, I told the CEO why.  It wasn’t exactly news; he was in on the joke from the outset.  The Cap’n has my back.  And I’ve got several irons in the fire from the flames on the side of my face. No worries, kittens.  And I hope this post helped some of you.

ETA: I’ve now been told by my erstwhile assistant that he is quitting also, that they can’t replace me with the salary on offer, and that “”Betty” really brought us to the next level.” is being bandied about the office.  Heh. Heh-heh-heh.

Dances With Wolverines / Gabriel’s Trumpet

Dancing has been called many things – sex with your clothes on is one. But that doesn’t explain why you can still do it with your parents or a friend or your sister and it’s not weird. What does explain that is that dancing is one of the most fun things people ever concocted.

WASPs ain’t inclined to boogaloo. Or boogie. For us, a boogie something for which you need a tissue. We’re not wired in such a manner. We waltz or two-step and that’s kind of it. Fortunately, I’m half a guido. So I do have a few good moves. Most of them are featured in the video above.

Let’s start with Madonna’s “Holiday”. I’ve never been at a family function where this was played and Mom Crocker didn’t come over, grab me, and proceed to Tear. It. Up. Neither of us gets through it without hysterical giggles. And there’s history there.

In 1983, I was 16 and the proud owner of Madonna’s first album. On vinyl! I hosted my own birthday party, and convinced Mom and Dad to go out. But, like all smart parents, they left late and came home early. My friends were – are – nice people, so there were no real worries. I found out more about this later.

Seeing Mom and Dad come downstairs in their going-out finery was nice. Mom had on this gorgeous pink silk suit with a cream-colored blouse and pink linen stilettos, and her hair was up in an amazing chignon with a marcasite barrette, and she looked like a lovely Dynasty Mom. Dad was in a Mad Men-era navy suit with shiny shoes, and had stolen one of my skinny ties from my closet. That should have been my clue. This Dad was a much-changed Dad from the Saturday- morning- with- a plate- of- waffles version.

A dinner comprised of all hors d’ouvres is The WASPy Way, and an East Williston tradition. So, at 8 or so, about 30 nicely-dressed kids showed up. No one was going home hungry. The horror unfolded shortly after. Mom and Dad greeted everyone and swept off into the foyer.

But there’s a lot of house, and once you see someone in the foyer, it’s kind of not always clear to a busy teenaged host that they’ve actually gone. I was pouring drinks and passing little party dogs in pastry and in general having a blast.

My friend Devin told me “Your folks are outré”, about 10 minutes in. The living room had gotten quiet, I noticed. Everyone seemed to be watching something hilarious unfolding in the kitchen.

Madonna’s “Holiday” was on the stereo, and my parents were dancing.In front of the dishwasher.

For some reason, my parents LOVE Madonna’s first effort. This has survived nearly 30 years. I’ll never know why and I’m not sure I want to. This was obvious as they shook it before the KitchenAid. There were 14 people peeking in from the butler’s pantry and 10 more from the foyer. Mom’s skirt, in the fashion of the time, was narrow at the knees, so she hiked it up a bit and every girl yelled “WOO!” Dad did a THING called The Bristol Stomp. I was afraid he was having a stroke.

“Holiday-ay!” yelled Mom.
“Cele-BRAY-ayte!”, said Dad.
“We need a holi-DAY-ay!” they sang together.

I about died of red roaring shame. Because the one thing worse than having overbearing parents is having cool ones. Or ones who think they’re cool and are kind of a little off. My friends were laughing, some with them, some at them.

But every time we’re all together at a family event, Mom fiddles with the music, pops in a Madonna CD – she must wedge three copies into her bag right after she puts her earrings on. Then she finds me – she can always find me no matter how I hide – sashays over and asks me to dance while my father points and laughs. I pretend to be annoyed. She knows I’m not. She’ll be doing this when she needs a walker to ambulatory.
Leave your funny, tragic, wardrobe-malfunctioning stories in the comments, but I just remembered one more.

2004. My college friend Dominic was marrying his beloved and asked me to be an usher. After the short ceremony, we piled into the limo for the long trip to the ersatz Water Mill catering hall. (Ever been to one of those on LI? They ALL look like The Sopranos’ abode. Marble tile! Brass n’glass! Flowers tormented into out-of-season blooming!)

There were seven guys in the limo, including a big, burly guido who I didn’t know. I promptly forgot all about the fact that my own beloved was on his way to the reception in his own car, and commenced a mental affairette in my head with the burly guido man.

Kiss me, you fool!

Let’s call him Big Joe.  A LOT of drinkin’ was going on in that limo! Big Joe put away about a fifth of scotch himself. But he was so big and hot I overlooked it. Some nugget of genius had brought Doritos. Dorito orange cheez paste is tough on a tuxedo. Big Joe ate a whole bag, and I got to dab at his shirt and lapels with seltzer water to remove said orange cheez paste. At this point I was looking at him and chewing ice cubes.

At the reception, I collected myself, calmed down, and acted like a good usher should. This involves working the room for lonely ladies and asking them to dance. So, I’m on the dance floor with Dominck’s cousin Francine. The bass is loud, as it always is. The song was a favorite classic: Jamiroquai’s “You Give Me Something”. Francine’s really into it, and so am I, and we’re doing a little waltzy thing I learned in high school.

Then I spot Big Joe and he’s looking a bit worse for wear. And at a moment of quiet… he FARTS. It was a blast like the trumpet of a horny elephant with a little wet squeak at the end. Francine grabbed my hand. “Did you just hear…”

Well, everyone did and there was no dog to blame it on. Then came the stench. Low tide. Dorito cheez, scotch fumes, eggs, maybe a soupcon of rotten meat.

The dance floor cleared like the upper class decks on the Titanic, leaving Big Joe swaying at its center. That’s pretty much a confession in my book. His erstwhile dance partner was in parts unknown, probably Kalamazoo. People were muttering some pretty terrible things about Big Joe.

Francine looked like she might barf, until I started laughing with actual tears, which got her started. The hapless DJ segued into KC And The Sunshine Band’s “That’s The Way I Like It”. Francine was laughing so hard she cried off her makeup. The oblivious bride wandered by and said “You two are sure having fun…” I said “Oh honey, we’re having a BLAST!” Francine pulled me to a now-empty table where we sat so she could convulse in peace. We watched as the reek spread to people who hadn’t heard the actual Trumpet Of Doom.

Every song lyric became a double-entendre.

“Yowza, yowza, fuckin’ yowza!” she howled. “I thing Big Joe just pooed!”

“You can feel it! It’s electric!” I gasped when they played The Electric Slide.

“I bet he’s in the can, Shaking His Groove Thing!”

“Pardon me boys? Was that the Chattanooga choo-choo?” More tears.

This went on for 20 minutes, until our respective spouses teamed up to find us. Mr. Francine was none too happy to be abandoned at a wedding where he didn’t know anyone and finding his wife yukking it up with a Gay. My own Cap’n had heard what happened from the bride herself, who was so angry she wanted him to accompany her as she asked Big Joe to sober up in the bridal suite. None of them thought this was funny at all.

I walked Francine to the lobby restrooms so she could fix her makeup, followed by our husbands and the still annoyed bride, who had dispatched the maitre’d to the still-empty dance floor with a can of Glade.

“Just a second.” I said. Paused by the table in the lobby, I wrote in the Guest Book: “BIG JOE’S ASS”.

Top picture Flickr.

Craigslist Personals – Everyone Is Nuts

Morrissey sang the following words: “Oh, the Devil will find work for idle hands to do.”

Apart from him being a tortured closet case, you have to agree with him.

As you know, I am in Gay Nirvana with a man whom I adore.  But it was a long road to finding him.  (Straighties, stay with me – there’s plenty for you here and you know I think the world of you.  Except Arken.  Allergies to kitties are a character flaw.)

I’m homo alone, it’s cold and rainy, there’s nothing on TV and I finished my latest Douglas Preston / Lincoln Child confection of a book.  So, whilst surfing the Intertubes, I made a mistake.  I looked at Craigslist.

This wasn’t a mistake like Holy-Shiz-Betts-Is-A-Slut.  I wasn’t DOING anything, just looking.  Here’s why – you know that part in The Wizard Of Oz when he’s trying to be all Great and Powerful and Toto yanks the curtain off, exposing the fact that Oz is basically generated in a 1930s Frigidaire?  I LOVE that.  Because most people are full of baloney, and the best relationships are between people who know this and embrace it and maybe like your baloney a little.

I learned the following.

  • 1) No gay man on Craigslist is a top.  (For you straighties, this means a fella who likes to do the penetrating.)
  • 2) No one has a face picture.  There are lots of improbably worked-out chests, and if you forgot what a penis looks like, there’s plenty of that.  The M4M section is like a Sam’s Club sized crate of hotdogs.
  • 3) No one spells the word “discreet” correctly.
  • 4) There are codes! Skiing = coke, roses = you’re paying for the nookie, climbing = meth (I think).

Dating is tough on a Gay of a certain age.  We’re more repressed, the social damage done to many of us as kids leads to issues, and the pool is just smaller.  I lived this, and so have most of my friends.  Wee Gays have it a lot better.  That’s not bitching, it’s just fact.

But you straighties?  I don’t know how the human race survives, because I looked there too and lots of you are crazy.  Need a chubby girl to sit on your lap?  She’s there.  Ladies, are you driven wild by a man in panties? He’s there too.  HPV cases? Got ’em!  One gal calls herself a Goddess – why is she still single?  One jerk posted a pic of himself looking more stoned than James Franco in a bar.  I now will look at every child I see as a small miracle, because that is what they are.  I’m also not letting Cap’n Crocker out of my sight.

Lesbians had a startling amount of platonic friends to pick from, and men willing to impregnate them. (One such dude posted a sonogram, in case the lovely Sapphic ladies have never seen a baby.)  A few of the actual lesbians were crazy as well – one wanted to “lick and learn” and another was a Pool Having Sugar Momma.   I’m not sure what to do with either of those things, but I’m sure someone must have a clue.  Maybe a margarita with extra salt would work for both of them.

Craigslist is like a giant klieg light on the cavalcade of batshittery that is being single in the US.  I was afraid to even peek at Sweden’s version.  Not without a cocktail.

Aaaand, here’s where Uncle Betty gets servicey, because we may have forgotten something recently: Grandmother was right.

First of all, if you have a relationship with someone who isn’t an alkie, or abusive, or emotionally distant, you grab that person by the hand and never let the hell go.  You appreciate that person and you make sure s/he knows it.  Your honeybun likes lemon tarts?  He should get them on the regular.  Your sweetiecakes likes silk scarves?  You send one once in a while to her office with a note that says the color reminded you of her eyes. (She may go to pieces at her desk, which is ok.)  Your snoogins wants you to jump in your NYPD uniform and play cops n’robbers and fun with cuffs?  Now THERE’S a birthday present.

Ahem.  Overshare.  Sorry.

But if you’re single, Grandmother was STILL right.  You’re best off meeting people who already know some of your friends or family.  This way they’re inclined to treat you better.  I know that keeps the pool a bit smallish, but all you need is One Right One.  And it’s more important that there are shared values and interests, because some day her perky ass will be a lot closer to her cankles, and some day his strapping shoulders may stoop a bit and he may fart in bed.

Love the one you’re with, and be careful out there, kittens.

Why have a kitty?

Well, why not?  Let’s understand something first.  You never HAVE a kitty.  The kitty has YOU.  In The Sims 2, a dog goes from Stranger to Friend to Master, and a cat goes from Stranger to Friend to Mine.  Someone at EA Games understands cats, really, REALLY well.

Oh, dogs are wonderful.  There isn’t anything like a Golden Retriever or a Chocolate Lab or best of all, a German Shepherd. A Shep will give his life to protect you, your wife and kids.  A cat will do this too.  But it’s more like a favor than an obligation.  I’ll never understand “dog people” vs. “cat people”, though frankly I think cat people are smarter.  That said, I just love animals, and if my space was bigger, a German Shepherd puppy would be a lifelong friend of mine, well until his whiskers turned gray.

But cats.  Especially smart breeds like Siamese or Maine Coons or Orange Tabbies.  There is nothing like coming home to a furry friend who meows his face off to say hi.  I pick up our Maine Coon Tuxedo cats every night when I come home, because they yowl if I don’t.  Edmund rubs his head on mine, and Lucy buries her face in my neck.  While they cuddle with me, when it’s Mike’s time to come home they stand at the door and bitch him out, like “Where the hell WERE you?!?!”  Once that’s done, it’s all about dinner.  Mike sings the “I got a can!” song and they yowl and it’s pretty damn hilarious.  My life is kinda awesome because of this.  Yeah, because cats are imperious and snotty and not affectionate. Not.

Let’s not understate dogs.  A cop in Penn Station a couple of months back had a great conversation with with his canine buddy.  Very politely, he said “Ouw, ouw ouw!”  The dog looked at the ceiling and let out the most amazing , echoing “Arooooo!” I’ve ever heard.   People applauded.

So both kinds of animals are Man’s Best Friend.  Cats have dignity.  Dogs have respect. Both are our very best companions.

Another crazy thing that cats and dogs both do is that they know when you’re sick and they sit right by you as you recover. They detest the smell of Nyquil and Robitussin, but it does not matter. That cat or dog will sit by you until you are well.  Doctors have issued a clinical study that a purring kitty reduces stress.  I’ll go out here and say that a dog laying his head on your leg does the same thing.

In short, it’s only an either/or thing if space and time is an issue.  Dogs need more room and more maintenance.  It’s not fair to either of you to have one if you can’t care for one properly.  Get a kitty instead, if that’s your deal.

What really happened to Starr Faithfull?

70 summers ago, a beautiful young woman’s lifeless body washed up on the sugary sands of the Long Island beach town that I currently call home.   Her name was Starr Faithfull, and she was 25 years old.  What follows is what we know, and what we don’t know.

Long Beach, NY, is a small jewel of a city on a barrier island off Long Island’s South Shore.  It has wonderful restaurants, a state-of-the-art library, and a proudly diverse population.  Its cleanliness and proximity to New York City draw droves of tourists in the summer months, and even in the winter it bustles with activity.  There are flowers and trees everywhere you look. It’s the kind of place people dream about living in.  And people really come here for the miles of white sand and glittering waves.

70 years ago, things were slightly different.  Everything was new.  1920s Long Beach was just getting started as a fashionable beach community, with hundreds of Spanish Revival white stucco mansions and bungalows with red tile roofing, as required by the zoning code.  Grand hotels lined the boardwalk, and every type of amusement from golf, to tennis, to horseback riding was available.  Prohibition was largely a joke here, and it was a flapper’s paradise.  Starr must have enjoyed it – as much as she was able to.

But to really understand Starr, we have to go back still further – almost 100 years – to 1917, when she was just 11.  Unfortunately, by all accounts, Starr’s parents frequently left her in the care of her middle-aged cousin Andrew Peters, then mayor of Boston.  He later became a congressman and was quite famous, even serving as Woodrow Wilson’s Assistant Secretary Of The Treasury.  He would have been infamous if anyone suspected what he was doing to his 11 year old cousin.  He was giving her ether to break down her resistance to his molestation of her.

Like many children in this situation, Starr became withdrawn and reclusive.  She even tried dressing like a boy to divert his interest.  This failed and the molestation continued for years.

Upon being caught in 1924, Peters paid Starr’s family hush money to protect his career, and they took it.  That was it for Starr.  She began going to speakeasies and taking cruises to Europe – sometimes not really planning them, but just showing up on board to bon voyage party and simply staying when the ship left.  She continued to abuse inhalants and barbiturates.

On May 29, 1931, a drunken Starr was forcibly removed from the Franconia, screaming “Kill me!” and “Throw me overboard!” .  On June 5, 1931, her family saw her for the last time, and had reason to suspect that she had sneaked aboard the Mauretania, which was bound for the Bahamas.

On June 8, 1931, her body washed ashore on Long Beach.  She was wearing a black and white summer dress from Lord & Taylor with nothing underneath, and her body was badly bruised.

There were several suicidal notes written by Starr, and one was to a doctor on whom she had a crush.  There was also a diary detailing Starr’s wild life, including assignations with 19 men and a veiled reference to her cousin.  The primitive toxicology reports showed her liver to be full of Veronal, a powerful barbiturate.  Although initially suspicious, Nassau County detectives were inclined to leave the case there.

But Starr’s stepfather accused the Nassau County DA of dragging his heels for political capital. Back then, this was more than plausible. He produced – too late – the $20,000 check from Andrew Peters and the 1927 agreement to hold Peters harmless for molesting Starr when she was 11.  He accused various political figures of having Starr murdered.

Peters had a nervous breakdown at his office in Boston.  The New York Daily News uncovered that Mr. Faithfull was nearly broke and had gone to Boston to get more money from Peters a few days before Starr disappeared.   And the Nassau County Police Department held an inquest, which lasted 15 minutes and drew no conclusions.

We’ll never know what happened to this tragic young woman in her final moments.  But I hope she found peace.  When I’m out on the Atlantic at night and I see the lights of Long Beach come into view, I wonder which ship she was really on, who she was with, what her final thoughts were.  It’s easy to feel lonely at sea, even with so many people so close by.

Newspaper clippings here and here.

Among the non-fiction books dealing were her death are: “The Aspirin Age” by Morris Markey (1944); “The Girl on the Lonely Beach” by Fred Cook (1954); and “The Passing of Starr Faithfull” by Jonathan Goodman (1996). Her life has been the subject of fiction in a number of novels including: “Some Unknown Person” by Sandra Scoppettone (1977) and “The Memory Book of Starr Faithfull” by Gloria Vanderbilt (1994). On Broadway her life was dramatized in the play, “Courting Mae West” by Linda-Ann Loschiavo (2005).

In 1935, the famous American author John O’Hara wrote a novel on Starr but changed her name to Gloria to avoid being sued by the Faithfull family. In 1960, the novel was made into one of Hollywood’s most famous films, “Butterfield 8.” In this movie the Academy Award was given to Elizabeth Taylor for her portrayal of Starr Faithfull. – Derry Times

Top photo Wikipedia.

Late Bloomer / The Mantel

“Well, I’ve got him.  I’m just not sure what to do with him.”  Tom set his wineglass down on the patio table with a click and condensation splashed the hot glass surface, and the phone was slick in his hand.   The July sun blasted just two feet of tile along the length of the covered terrace, but it felt like an African veldt.  Loki, his fluffy Maine Coon tabby, lounged in deflated defeat in the shade of a potted clematis, opening one green eye from time to time in disapproval.

“Just have fun, boodles, you deserve it.” Thus spake Bill, ever the sage friend and wise counselor.  Too bad he was wrong 90% of the time.  Tom looked at the phone with annoyance, and the heat was only part of it.

“I am 35 years old and I have had enough fun.” he began.

As he often did, Bill interrupted.  “No, you haven’t.  You were all repressed in the ‘80s and ‘90s because you were trying to be Mr. Perfectpants for your wacky WASPy parents.  You became a serial monogamist.” This last dripped contempt, and he may as well have called Tom a serial killer.

“That’s what I want!  I’ve got all the casual stuff out of my system.  I’m not judging, I just want…”

“You want to be Samantha from Bewitched, is what you want, with your sweet New England-y house on Long Island Sound and your Wedgwood china and your well-maintained car and dinner parties and planting geraniums.  Except instead of Darrin you want a massive linebacker who talks dirty in bed and likes museums.”

Now this was truly annoying, because this was one of the 10% of times that Bill was right.

Taking a gulp of Pinot Grigio, Tom said. “Yes.  Something like that.  Is that so wrong?”

Bill chuckled.  “No, boodles.  But I think your cop with the – how did you say?  Sparkling eyes?  Anyway, he might or might not be the ticket.  Soooo… find out.  But don’t make it so damn serious.”

Pushing his very serious glasses up on his nose, Tom considered.  Slowly, he told Bill: “There’s some things that are… not right.  His clothes are dismal.  His apartment could be nice, but there’s dust bunnies in there that could eat me.  He smokes – not a lot, and he’s considerate, but still.”  Tom unbuttoned his linen shirt and fanned himself with Vanity Fair.  It helped a little.

He could almost see Bill’s eyebrow rise through the phone.  “Let’s recap that last date, k?  Quote: ‘He grabbed my hands and pinned me to the sofa and we made out like it was high school and he’s SO BIG and SO HOT and then he did that thing with his 5 o’clock shadow and my neck that drives me wild.’  Not a dust bunny to be seen.  As I recall, his shirt was off too, so you didn’t have to look at it.  Kohl’s, I bet, or some Big’nTall outlet, cast aside in the dust bunnies while you got your groove on.”

“I’m sorry I told you that.  In any case, it’s a long way from there to geraniums by the sea.”

“I want to meet him.”  Bill announced.

“No way.  You’ll scare him off.”

“He’s been shot at and had large buildings almost fall on him; he can handle me.”

“I think he’d prefer being shot at.  I know I would.”  Grabbing his wineglass, Tom slid inside to the cool air conditioning, padded to the kitchen and poured a refill.  “I can deal with this. I think.”

“Well, you should just enjoy the moment more, is all I’m saying.” Bill was back in sagacious oracle mode again, and it occurred to Tom that his description of the man in question must have piqued some curiosity.  He ducked outside again through the terrace door and parked himself in the yellow Adirondack chair he called The Throne.

A noise from the street below drew his attention, and he stood, leaning over the windowboxes bursting with begonias and mini roses.  It was a failing muffler, and it belonged to a crumbling white Jetta, which belonged to a very large man.  He got out and stretched, displaying wide shoulders straining an NYPD t-shirt which was damp in a few places, then ran a hand through his black velvety crewcut.  Sweat glinted from his brow and forearms.  He was magnificent.  Baggy shorts did little to hide tree-trunk legs and while his midsection wasn’t cut or anything, he was undeniably in great shape.

“Bill?  I think I have to go.” Tom said.

“Later, dollface.”

Shading his eyes against the sun, Tom watched as the big man opened the rear door of the Jetta and carefully pulled out a clay pot with bright pink and white flowers held above glossy green rounded leaves.  When he stood up, he seemed to feel Tom’s eyes on him and grinned.

Geraniums, Tom thought as he waved.  His name is Mike, and he brought me geraniums.


Carefully, the old man took the device from a drawer in the gleaming kitchen and headed for the living room.  The Kid had given it to him for Christmas, and it had proven most handy.  He imagined that The Kid would be all frantic at seeing him up and about with no one else in the room and there would be a lecture about broken hips and pigheadedness.  That was all right.  He had little use for sleep these days.

The french doors to the patio were open and carried the scent of roses, fresh cut grass and geraniums into the room, with a little hint of the ocean.  The warmth was soothing to the old man’s bones and he smiled crookedly as he shuffled over to the mantel.

The first picture on the left was of him and The One.  The old man found it easier to think of him that way, rather than be bothered with names that jumbled themselves up in his head.  They were in a nightclub in the photo, and his arm was looped around The One’s shoulder as colored lights played over both of them.  He turned on the gizmo, which whirred and removed any dust from the braided silver frame.  There had been a kiss that night, and it had tasted of green apples from the drinks they had.

The next picture was in a heavy antique frame that required polishing, which the old man’s arthritic fingers couldn’t manage anymore.  But the gizmo whirred again and the glass sparkled over him and The One in tuxedos on the steps of The Cathedral Of The Incarnation in Garden City.  That had been quite a day.

The third picture was in an enamel frame that said Steven’s First Christmas, and showed the old man, then younger, grinning tightly at the camera over the shoulder of The Kid, a sullen teenager.  The One was giving both of them what was called at that time the side-eye.  It was, in hindsight, a hilarious shot, and the old man grinned toothlessly as the gadget polished it up.

A sleek, modern silver frame was next.  There was The Kid in graduation robes standing next to a young lady with glossy waves of black hair and an insouciant grin.  Julia.  Her name came to him unbidden.  The Kid was grinning too, all the way to his eyes, and his cap was tilted at a jaunty angle.  After a short hum, the silver gleamed around them.

The last picture was in a frame of popsicle sticks with a scallop shell glued to each corner.  It showed the old man and The One sitting on a beach on either side of a girl of about five, all with their backs to the camera.  An unexpected wave had come in and they were each reacting with varying degrees of surprise, and the girl’s shiny black hair was tumbling out of its ponytail.

A hum removed any dust, and this completed the old man’s task.

“Whatcha doin’?” said The One, padding down the stairs.  “You really should be more careful.”

The old man smiled.  In fact, this little chore was kind of exhausting and he headed for the sofa.

“Minding my business.” he said to The One, in a tone that suggested that he do the same.  He placed The Kid’s gadget on the glass-topped end table carefully, then sat.

The One plopped down on the sofa next to him, and both men regarded the garden outside.  Slowly, the old man turned to The One.  There was more than a trace of a square, stubborn jaw and his eyes were alight with mischief and humor.

“Mike,” said Tom, more clearly than he’d spoken in months,  “Can you get me a scissor?  I want to bring some geraniums in.”

“It’s  gonna cost you a kiss.”

“I may be ninety-whatever, but I remember how to do that.”