Daily Archives: February 12, 2015

3 posts

Breaking Down The Marvel Studios/Sony Entertainment “Spider-Man” Deal

In a late night announcement that sent the hearts of comic book nerds everywhere into arrhythmia, Marvel Studios and Sony Entertainment announced late last night that Spider-Man will be joining Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the details of the deal aren’t public, through various leaks and rumors it’s possible to put together an idea of what the deal looks like. Continue reading

Alternative Views: The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete (2013)

MV5BMTUwMjgyNTE2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzU1MzgwMDE@__V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_Today’s Alternative Views recommendation comes way of Sundance and a few other festivals. Apparently, it failed to get wide distribution. The reasons for that oversight will remain mysteries to me. This film is hella powerful.

The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete (2013), Skylan Brooks, Ethan Dizon, Jennifer Hudson

Director: George Tillman

Writer: Michael Starrbury

One review of this film opined that it bordered on “poverty porn”. I can’t agree. Director George Tillman pointed his camera matter-of-factly at life in a Brooklyn housing project. It’s not prurient. It’s not judgmental. It just is the life lived by 13-year-old Mister (Skylan Brooks), his addicted mother, Gloria (Jennifer Hudson) and their semi-permanent house guest, 9-year-old Pete (Ethan Dizon), himself the child of an addict even worse off than Gloria. Continue reading