Daily Archives: August 19, 2014

3 posts

Catcall Me? Please Don’t!

catcall_me_pleasePoor Doree Lewak of the New York Post just wants to “be that objectified sex thing for [the catcalling men of NYC]” because “hard hats need something to look at on their break.” Maybe they should try looking at the newspaper. “It’s as primal as it gets, ladies!” Not as primal as, say, bashing you in the head with a club, dragging you into a secluded area and raping you, but the sentiment is the same. A man who yells out positive and/or negative comments at a passing female stranger is operating under the same idea; the belief that women’s bodies don’t belong to them, but to the public, and as a part of public property, men have the right to judge them as worthy or unworthy bodies. Continue reading

Please Know, World, Black Lives Do Matter

In the last week, this blogger has often been reduced to stunned silence and anguished utterances as she looked on with the entire world at the happenings in Ferguson, Missouri. To say that the images, information and lack thereof, coming out of this town have been enough to make one feel heartsick, rage-filled, and utterly helpless is an understatement. Continue reading