Previously on Drag Race, some straight people got married and Joslyn did her man’s make up with tin foil, causing her to go home. Everyone grabs their fake boobs in solidarity. Bianca’s already writing her postcards from Hawaii.
Now it’s the top five. Ru-mail talks about stones and gems and stuff. The mini challenge is going to be puppets of each other. We get the two GOOD pit crew members and the queens grab puppets and drag them up. Adore flat out does a really good impression of Ben. I keep writing her off when she’s not in front of me. Bianca makes some easy comments vocal fry. Darienne makes some comments about HERSELF in a shocking twist. Courtney is flat but realizes it. Ben brings out a HILARIOUS mini Bianca, complete with teef. Ben wins and will be passing along the gem color schemes for the queens, as they make three outfits. Something, something, and dripping with something. I can’t tell Ben actually passed out the colors, or if the cable went out. Ru ends with a Valley of the Dolls joke, which I don’t think half the audience got.
Everyone is worried, except Bianca (who is sapphire). Adore is diamond, and Darienne is pissy. Adore has a lot of ideas, which concerns Ru, causing Adore to break down. Darienne’s asked why doesn’t she win more things, but she doesn’t have an answer. The judges will be Khloe Kardashian and Bob Mackie. Really show? Khloe Kardashian? Why not invite Courtney Peldon? She at least has acting experience.
Ben’s choreographing the opening act, which never works out well. Everyone has something to say. Back to the work room and away from this filler. Darienne’s in a urine colored dress, which she scraps. Thank god. Adore is more “GAME ON!” even though she has no clue how to sew. Bianca takes some time to help out. Courtney feels safe about this, and I think is ruby.
Main stage and I realize that I wasn’t sure if Bob Mackie was alive or not. The judges don’t understand the tulle on Ben’s dress, though I think part of that is cause they never explained “banjee.” They also feel that everything is a cocktail dress and not a surprise.
Adore makes Michelle happy and is the only one who understands banjee, but again, Adore is all “chola chola chola” that if she didn’t know “banjee,” I’d have concerns. What? I’ve dated a few Puerto Ricans. You pick these things up. Bob Mackie likes the tulle on THIS one and despite all of the fuck ups, the judges really like Adore’s personality.
Bianca wasn’t GREAT but wasn’t horrible. Khloe points out the whole boat neck silhouette, which isn’t too far from strappy mermaid silhouettes but who am I to judge? The judges feel that she wasn’t new or interesting, but she didn’t stray too far from the mark.
Darienne didn’t get banjee or executive. Maybe a nice lesson would have been in order if so many people didn’t understand what it is. Her Dripping outfit ended up drooping which the judges quickly pointed out. At least she’s no longer dressed like Piss Christ.
Courtney also didn’t get banjee, big surprise. Michelle, who’s angry at everyone today, tells her to pad more if she’s going to try and shake her ass. Bob Mackie liked her eleganza dress the best, but most of the judges feel that she’s coasting on pretty.
We end with a wonderful round of “who needs to go home.” Everyone says Darienne, though Ben makes a comment about Bianca sailing through, which Bianca takes umbrage at. Darienne tries to give a diplomatic answer and fails. In the end, Adore wins, and Darienne and Ben are up for elimination. The song is Stronger, by Kelly Clarkson. It’s a tough call but, for whatever reason, Darienne stays and Ben goes home. It’s been a disappointing month for TV viewers, though I’m not caught up with Mad Men, so there’s still hope. Join us next week as we, maybe, get closer to the finale!
By the way, Ben’s outgoing message is rather cute. “Dear top 4- howz it going? I’m doing pretty good. Sometimes you have to have Mama Ru you atcha a bunch of times before it sinks in. I guess I neverreached that number of times, Darian. I knew the second I was up against you i waz out the door. You get it lady. I wish you all the luck in the world and only harbor enough resentment to write a long pointless message that you will have to clean and clean and clean and clean. But fo real tho you girlz are my heroes. XX BDLC”
Image: LogoTV