Daily Archives: September 6, 2013

4 posts

Fracking Your Way to the American Dream

Hydraulic fracturing and the natural gas that it helps to procure gets a bad rap in lots of circles in the United States and abroad. The process of sending sand to create fissures in shale rock involves lots of chemicals, huge amounts of labor, and extremely expensive equipment. It’s a tough and imperfect industry, but it is one of the last places where the American Dream can be a reality. Continue reading

Alec Baldwin to Rage-Beat Your Eyeballs With New MSNBC Show

alec_baldwinWe’re thinking MSNBC took a look at their current roster and said, “You know, now that we’ve jettisoned Keith Olbermann to a Sports iceberg where God forbid anyone ever discuss anything about politics because A-Rod or whatever (i.e. SPORTS CHEATERS ALL THE TIME), we now have a dearth of square-jawed, silver-haired, rage-o-holics on our currently shout free news programming. What the hell is Alec Baldwin doing now? And a better question, are there any restraining orders involved?” Continue reading