Daily Archives: June 6, 2013

5 posts

Beauty Treatments Using Common Household Items

potatoes_make_you_beautifylIf you like pampering yourself with beauty treatments but hate spending tons of money on product, you might be excited to learn that there are a ton of beauty products just waiting to be created in your kitchen and home. Here are a few of my favorite recipes for beauty treatments with ingredients found in most kitchens.

Egg Yolk Conditioning Hair Mask

This is an easy and nourishing hair mask that helps condition your hair, helps prevent breakage and increases shine. Continue reading

The Three Best Comedy Specials on Netflix Instant

Netflix_envelopWhen I was a kid, in order to gorge on comedy specials I had to ask my grandma to drive me around to the six video rental stores within 3-5 mile radius of our home. Because there was so much overlap between each store’s collection, it was a rare treat to find something new. Once upon a time you basically had to be on a sitcom to get a special released on video.

Now, of course, we live in the golden age of streamlined digital production and instant streaming that has cut way, way down on production costs and now comics at all levels can afford to release specials. Continue reading