Daily Archives: February 25, 2013

5 posts

Sorry Former Onion Staffers, Calling a 9-year Old the C-Word Isn’t Funny

Last night The Onion sent out a tweet about 9-year old Oscar nominee Quvenzhané Wallis wherein they called her a “cunt.” We can only imagine this resulted from being an adorable little kid who was totally enjoying her run as an Oscar contender? Or because picking on kids who bring puppy purses to high profile events is all the rage now? The CEO quickly apologized, but some former staffers believe that it lowers The Onion‘s integrity to, you know, apologize for being a ginormous jerk to a little kid. Continue reading

Podcast Savant Marc Maron… on Television? WTF!


I don’t know how many of my compatriots realize this — but we currently live in a golden age of American comedy. And this glittering era doesn’t follow from anything projected onto various screens by Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey or Tina Fey. Nor is it due to anything written or directed by Seth MacFarlane or Judd Apatow. And it’s not because Charlie Sheen left Two and a Half Men, finally allowing the flagship brand of televised network comedy (cough!) to reach its true potential.

Instead this golden age has resulted because Marc Maron — a formerly little-known standup comedian with more than two decades of performing experience, but little lasting success — has been producing his uniquely tense and revealing comedy podcast for more than three years now. Continue reading

The Hell Are They Wearing? 2013 Oscars

Ladies in silver, white, blue, and FLOTUS! lit up Hollywood in celebration of the year in film. The men looked hipster handsome, many accessorizing with vests and beards (the ones that go on your face). The couples sizzled: Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, Naomi Watts and Liev Schrieber, George Clooney and his date for a second season, Stacey Kiebler, and Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner gave us hope that they actually enjoy each other in real life…they are the true thespians.

All in all, very good fashion show! It was full-on glitz and glamour with no notable disasters if you don’t count the anatomically correct darts in Anne Hathaway’s dress. Continue reading