New Video Trax: Renaissance Man Justin Timberlake Gets Back to His Day Job with “Suit and Tie”


After releasing a teaser YouTube video a couple weeks ago called “I’m Ready”, Justin Timberlake, the In Time, and Yogi Bear actor, has returned to making music. Yesterday he released the video for his first single of his 20/20 album, “Suit and Tie.”

After an odd interlude which finds Timberlake inexplicably sing/stating that “he be on his ‘suit & tie’ – shit – tied – shit…” Suit & Tie launches into a quick-paced classic JT single, which stays firmly in his part soul, part pop fusion comfort zone. It also generously relies on some finger-snapping elements, his ubiquitous falsetto, and what we can only describe as a body-rocking cosmic ear cacophony reminiscent of a Neptunes produced beat — one that featured Robin Thicke from a few years ago. And even more curiously now that we see the video, it seems that Timberlake has taken more than a song style cue from Mr. Thicke which heavily invokes Marvin Gaye among other soul greats. The dapper duds, and the ladies-love-a-lounge-singer cigar crooner thing seems set to go a few rounds in Thicke’s smooth groove shoes — one that we’re sure Mr. Timberlake would have eschewed in his “SexyBack” days eight years ago. An interesting move for Timberlake. You could wonder with the gratuitous flash of his wedding ring, is Timberlake signaling that he’s all grown up now? That he’s definitely leaving the post-boy band swag behind. Maybe.

Rounding out the cut, midway JayZ comes in to spit a verse or two. And this kind of makes the song and the video drag. Not only is Mr. Z not in attendance, it just seems like a lackadaisical effort. A possible foil to Mr. Timberlake’s efforts when collaborations in 2013 have gone the way of 2 Chainz, A$AP Rocky, and Kendrick Lamar. Success often means staying current and reinventing sound — not just calling up old friends and gifting guest spots on a record without upping the ante.

“Suit & Tie” is not overly memorable, but it is within JT’s wheelhouse, and the video hopes to show a new side of the singer turned actor turned back to singer. Were we expecting more after so many years away from music? Yes, but failing that, this is about where we thought Timberlake would end up — playing it familiar and safe. Could there be more experimental sound and emotion on the upcoming 20 track album? Sure, but as Usher found out from a spate of declining sales, it’s about thinking ahead five steps. Anything that’s currently trendy or a fad — has already been done to death like dubstep or Justin Bieber’s take on electro-pop ( or the Chopped and Screwed sound it seems Timberlake and Timbaland are still experimenting with!) That’s over, friends. Let’s just hope JT has heard and understands the need music has for the Frank Oceans and Miguels of the genre — and has taken a lesson. Nothing beats an original sound than one with heartfelt emotion combined.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

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