Daily Archives: December 7, 2012

5 posts

Navel Grazing: Lena Dunham’s Book Proposal Studies the Belly Lint of Life and Other Quirks

Far be it from me to tell someone not to write until their heart’s content. I maintain that putting pen to paper, or filling up a blinking cursor with type, can be as cathartic as anything else experienced. However, that doesn’t make it very good, or worth $3.7 Million. And it begs the question if Lena Dunham hadn’t struck a sort of millennial gold with her HBO show, Girls, would the world know about her musings on ice pops, celibacy, and diaries? Continue reading

A Trip to Babylon

When I was overseas, I got the chance to walk through ancient Babylon, which had been rebuilt and  preserved by Saddam Hussein in addition to a lavish palace addition next door.  When I say “lavish”, don’t confuse the word with some empty top-shelf adjective; this palace is the embodiment of the word itself.  Though it had long since been looted of every scrap of ornamentation the palace still radiated an air of quiet grandiosity.

I took a trip up there with some other guys from my comm shop for the day and spent hours just wandering through the palace, looking through room after room in awe. It was as if I had been transported back in time to some ancient world in which kings and emperors wielded their wealth as heavily as they did their swords. Continue reading

Pondering the Aftermath of a Prank

You know when pranks are the most fun? When you’re a stupid kid at sleepaway camp and someone short sheets your bed, or sticks your fingers in a bowl of water, or puts toothpaste on your face, and when you find out, you’re allowed to give the requisite three punches to the arm. Yes, this is when pranks are basically just goofy little things most kids go through in the process of bonding and finding camaraderie with their fellow kid maniac friends. Continue reading

A Rare Book for Christmas!

Y’all here are creatures of culture and refinement, so no doubt you’ll be wanting to buy the people on your gift list something classy. Is there anything classier than a signed first edition book? Of course not. Imagine finding out your friend’s favourite book, and giving them a signed first edition as a very special Christmas gift!

Here’s what you’re looking for. You want a book that is: Continue reading