Two Images the Presidential Campaigns Hope Will Influence You

Well, we’re getting down to the wire kids, and we’ll say it’s time to throw everything at the wall to see what will stick. And what better way to do that than with Tumblr and Instagram.

Apparently the presidential campaigns are banking on the electorate being the type of voters who need visual aids to carry us through the rest of the election season. You see, the candidates probably have said all that they really can say to get your vote, with the exception of a huge gaffe both campaigns are probably counting on the other to have. So, what are two campaigns to do in order to attempt pulling ahead in a tight race? Well, make you look at stuff!

Let’s start with the POTUS first. Well, this certainly is a statement. There’s no missing what they want to convey here. And rightfully, someone who says that “Syria is Iran’s route to the sea” should probably bone up on their geography. No one’s disputing that fact. But we can just imagine that Romney would never have sat in class with a dunce cap on. He probably would have bought the school and all the dunce caps and had them specially redesigned as money belts for the discerning investment banker matriculating through the third grade.

Let’s go now to the Romney campaign’s Instagram photo of a Nevada rally that looks like it has seven billion attendees. Like literally all of Rhode Island is in this one room. It looks like a tent revival meeting at Yankee stadium. And just what the hell is located in the gutters of the place? Are those supposed to be people or is that huge gravel? It’s so hard to tell with all the Photoshop in the way. We imagine Romney wants the world to see his dominance in…Desktop Publishing. Yes, that’s it. He wants us to imagine what it would be like to have a small European nation attend one of his jamborees, but really it was more like a large handful of faithful toxic roboman disciples who love money, reducing women’s health rights, the way he supports crazed Republicans and their rape-speak, and the groovy way Romnestilskin changes positions on everything, and goes back on his word (to steal your babies!) to in his view make America a better (if not epically less moral) place. “Ehmergerd Everyone in Nevada Came to See Me!” That Romney he’s so hilarious.

Buzzfeed has made this glorious dissection:

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