The Daily Sausage – Friday Edition

The Al Smith Dinner, soup kitchen backlash, Understanding Romneynomics, Scott Brown: Terrible Person, Dinesh D’Souza: Terrible Person, Joe Walsh: Even More Terrible Person, what a billion dollars in advertising buy you, Actual Voter Fraud(!), Mitt Romney: Palling Around With Conspiracy Theorists, Castro, and it’s time for the GOP’s medicine.

Welcome to the Daily Sausage.

First up, the Al Smith Dinner was last night. Here’s Mitt Romney’s speech, and here’s President Obama’s. Romney was better than McCain in ’08, but toed the line a few times. Obama was, well, Obama.

Speaking of religious charitable organizations, you remember the soup kitchen Paul Ryan & Co. bullied their way into so they could wash clean dishes on camera? Well, after the organization that runs the kitchen slammed Ryan, conservative donors have pulled their funding, and started harassing the staff. Stay classy, GOP.

We have a twofer from Paul “The Keynesian Killer” Krugman today. First up, Mitt Romney’s snow job on jobs:

To summarize, then, the true Romney plan is to create an economic boom through the sheer power of Mr. Romney’s personal awesomeness. But the campaign doesn’t dare say that, for fear that voters would (rightly) consider it ridiculous. So what we’re getting instead is an attempt to brazen it out with nakedly false claims. There’s no jobs plan; just a plan for a snow job on the American people.

Let us all bask in Mitt Romney’s awesomeness.

Next up, Understanding Romneynomics:

So the Romney campaign is lying about the rationale for its boasts about jobs. But what’s the real story?

The answer is actually pretty clear: CONFIDENCE. The Romney notion is that we’d be having a rip-roaring recovery right now, except that Job Creators feel that Obama is looking at them funny. And so all Romney has to do is show up, and happy times will be here again.

So not only is Mitt Romney capable of lifting the economy by virtue of his personal awesomeness, he’s also the Confidence Fairy, come to restore confidence to wary Job Creators who have been hoarding their precious dollars out of fear. Stay tuned, because next week we’re going to investigate if being born on Candy Mountain disqualifies Romney from the Presidency.

Scott Brown (Not A Republican-MA) is a  terrible person. Why? Because Scott Brown called a bunch of mesothelioma victims and their families “paid actors”. Oof. As Charles P. Pierce notes:

There is shooting yourself in the foot. Then, there is shooting yourself in the foot, cutting off the foot, placing it upon your head, and then shooting yourself in the foot and in the head simultaneously.

I really wonder who at the Brown campaign decided that going after victims of mesothelioma was a smart move?

Moving on, Dinesh D’Souza was fired from his million dollar a year gig as the President of some bullshit evangelical university for getting engaged to a married woman who is, obviously, not his, and already someone else’s, wife. Let us remember that D’Souza rose to fame on the backs of blaming liberals for 9/11 for being insufficiently like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Next up on our rundown of Terrible People: Joe Walsh! We’ve got a twofer for Walsh today too, making him today’s Most Terrible Person.

First up, during a debate with challenger Tammy Duckworth last night, Walsh went COMPLETELY off the reservation, saying the following in regards to abortion:

 “With modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance,” he said. “… There is no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing.”

That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you lose a Congressional race by twenty points.

As if that weren’t bad enough, Walsh chimed in on business owners and managers attempting to coerce employees into voting for Mitt Romney:

 Spread the word! If you run, own or manage a company, tell your employees! What was the CEO this week that said, if Obama is reelected, I may have to let all of you go next year? If Obama’s reelected, if the Democrats take Congress, I may not be able to cover your health insurance next year.

This is your party, Republicans. Cherish it.

Politico has a new not-terrible story about conservative SuperPACs opening up their books to demonstrate that they didn’t just squander a billion dollars on nothing.

Conservative super PACs and outside groups face the very real possibility they’ll have spent $1 billion and failed to elect Mitt Romney or deliver a GOP Senate.

What might make it worse is if they spent a billion dollars and manage to lose the House as well. Now that would be AWESOME.


A Pennsylvania man connected to the Republican party of Virginia was arrested on Thursday and charged with destroying voter registration forms.

Why is it that whenever there’s major, possibly felony-level voter fraud, it’s always conservatives that are involved?

Perhaps you remember Sarah Palin’s comment about then-Senator Obama “palling around with Terrorists”? Welp, Mitt Romney is palling around with conspiracy theorists. Jerome Corsi, owner of WorldNetDaily, was spotted as a credentialed member of the press on Mitt Romney’s plane. Can you imagine the right wing freakout if Al-Jazeera was credentialed on the Obama campaign’s plane? Holy shitsnacks. We’d never hear the end of it.

In other news, Fidel Castro apparently has had a stroke and is in a near vegetative state. Maybe he’ll finally die so we can actually start having discussions about a sensible policy toward Cuba that’s not driven by a bunch of retirees in Miami.

And finally, perhaps a November loss is just what the GOP needs.

Or, the right will collectively lose their goddamn minds after a billion dollars and the most aggressive post-truth campaign in American history fails to oust President Obama, and in fact erases many of their gains from 2010.

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