Daily Archives: October 30, 2012

5 posts

The Best Thing about Each of the 50 States and DC

These are my fondest/most mind-searing travel memories from each state. What are some of yours?

Alabama: (It’s the only state where I can’t think of anything, good or bad. This list gets better, I promise.)

Alaska: Sharing a salmon jerky on a bus with a Vietnam vet from Fort Yukon. He comes to town twice a year for a medical check-up. He has a baseball cap with the Intel logo that reads “Jesus Inside”.

Arizona: Running back and forth across Hoover Dam to reach the Pacific and Mountain Time Zones.

Arkansas: Getting room service (club sandwiches) at a Hilton Garden Inn outside Little Rock. Continue reading

If You Want to Almost Die, Try Wingsuit Flying

Espen Fadnes has been blowing the world’s collective mind by being on the edge of human flight for more than ten years. He was the first person to fly beneath parachute opening altitude, and he did that back in 2000 in a pair of jeans in Norway. In the video below he shows off some flights in France and shares his mentality, and what it takes to be a CRAZY PERSON.

The man has hit over 155 miles an hour wearing his crazy pants suit and is famous for his video last year titled “Sense Of Flying,” here is his most recent effort “Split of a Second.” Continue reading