The Daily Sausage – Monday Edition

Matthews Vs. Priebus, Doucehat Rides Again, Spray and Pray, Ron Paul Forever, Unification, Chickenshits Among Us, and Young Homeowners.

Welcome to the Daily Sausage.

First up, Chris Matthews vs. Reince Priebus. Last week Mitt Romney made a particularly bad joke, noting that no one had ever asked him for his birth certificate. This past weekend, Chris Matthews called out RNC Chairman and Obvious Anagram Reince Priebus for the fact that the Romney Campaign is obviously race baiting on a scale that would make Lee Atwater blush. Seriously, it’s like they’re trying to attract Racist Sharks by throwing lots of Racist Chum in the water, then lowering Mitt Romney in a titanium cage into their midst.

Matthews also noted the Romney campaign’s welfare attacks as further evidence that the GOP is playing the Race Card.

If you were wondering why, this would be it: Obama leads Romney by 39 points among Latino voters, 65%-26%

When George W. Bush won re-election, he did it with 44% of the Latino vote. Explain to me how Mitt Romney expects the electoral math to work out for him when Bush II barely scraped by and the electoral map has changed significantly in President Obama’s favor?

Answer: by being as racist as possible without actually calling President Obama a n*CLANG*r, to drive up turnout of disaffected low-income, low-education rural whites and suburban whites terrified of the inner city.

The problem is that the math doesn’t work. It didn’t work in 2008, it won’t work in 2012, and barring a massive spike in Caucasian births won’t ever happen again. But, the alternative is to jettison the snake-handlers and Klan members that constitute the GOP base and trudge through the political wilderness for twenty years, and no one in power wants to do that.

Doghouse Riley returns from a long hiatus with a sterling takedown of Ross “Douchehat” Douthat.

We have no need of a thought experiment here. If you’re going to make absolute moral pronouncements, then they’re absolute. You can start trying to weasel out of Thou Shalt Not Kill (“It means murder” or “Except when ordered by your political superiors”), but ultimately you’re stuck. The Bible doesn’t enjoin anyone from abortion; the moral argument is all yours, and the moment you’re pressed you withdraw like a doused cat. The simple fact is that Akin spoke the truth. Not with his words, which were totally batshit, but he was absolutely clear on the concept. In his “desire to escape from the dilemma” sez Ross, but there isn’t any dilemma. At least there isn’t one with regards to meaning. Either terminating a pregnancy is murder, or it isn’t. That includes rape victims, and that includes the medically unviable, and that includes, Mr. and Mrs. Santorum, when the life of the mother is at stake. It can’t be both. You can make a distinction in law, but you’re doing so because it’s the popular thing to do, not because it’s morally justified.


Ed Burmila from Gin and Tacos takes on the fact that highly trained police officers were responsible for all of the civilian casualties in the Empire State Building shooting.

“To Serve and Protect”, my ass. More like “To Maim and Intimidate”.

John H. Richardson, guest writing for Esquire Politics, laments the end of Ron “Uncle Liberty(!)” Paul’s Long Strange Trip. If the GOP adopted his more reasonable positions, we could have real honest-to-God debates about stuff like foreign policy, the drug war, civil liberties, etc. Instead, they adopt the nutty stuff like the gold standard and Agenda 21. What a waste.

TPM’s Evan McMorris-Santoro discusses the GOP’s efforts to unify as a party at the National Convention. Jesus, Frankenstein’s Monster was less stitched together than the modern GOP. I’m amazed bits don’t fall off as it shambles down the street.

CNN has confirmed that former Florida Governor Charlie Crist will be speaking at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. Meanwhile, Jeb Bush said on NBC that the GOP “needs to change” and “reach out to a much broader audience.”

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Fuck you guys. Seriously, get the fuck out.

Where the fuck was Jeb Bush and Charlie Crist while our nation’s first mentally handicapped President was busy   wasting a tremendous amount of international goodwill by engaging in a dick-waving contest with a bunch of extremists in the Middle East? Where were then when he decided to blow up the Federal Budget for the next fifty years through tax cuts designed to disproportionately benefit the rich and corporations at the expense of the middle class? Where were they when the GOP decided that two decades of Culture Wars weren’t enough and decided to stretch it out into four?

Fuck. These. Assholes. Rats on a sinking ship have more honor than they do. That analogy is particularly apt as women and children (the youth) are abandoning the GOP as fast as they can get to the lifeboats and pretty soon all that’ll be left is a bunch of old white men playing “Nearer My God To Thee” as the ship sinks.

Finally, a great article on the state of home-ownership for anyone under 30. Long story short, most of us are going to be doing a lot of renting for a long time.

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