Crassterpiece Theatre: Steamboat Bill Jr.

Buster Keaton earned his place as one of the greatest artist of film the world has ever seen many times over. If you’ve never seen a Buster Keaton film before here’s a great place to start and if you have why not take a chance to revisit a classic.

The film includes Buster’s iconic stunt wherein an entire building facade fell around him and he was saved only by the extremely fortunate placement of an open window. Per Wikipedia regarding the death-defying stunt:

Keaton did the stunt himself with a real building section and no trickery. It has been claimed that if he had stood just inches off the correct spot, Keaton would have been seriously injured or killed. Keaton’s third wife Eleanor suggested that he took such risks due to despair over financial problems, his failing first marriage, and the imminent loss of his filmmaking independence. Evidence that Keaton was suicidal, however, is scant and he was known throughout his career for doing dangerous stunts, including a leap from the top of a train in the 1927 The General in which his neck was actually broken when he hit the rail.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

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