Bachmann doubles down, Gohmert piles on, Arizona: pretty racist, Freedom isn’t free, bitter Tea, and the geography of gun violence.
Welcome to the Daily Sausage.
Michele Bachmann doubled down on her claims that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s chief of staff Huma Abedin is a secret member of the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as claiming fellow Minnesota representative Keith Ellison for allegedly obstructing her “investigation” into the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in America on Glenn Beck’s show last night.
Not to let a good opportunity pass him by, Texas Representative Louie Gohmert jumped in to the fray this morning claiming that the shootings in Aurora, Colorado were due to ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and openly wondered why no one had a gun to take down the shooter.
Somewhere in hell, Joe McCarthy is smiling as the devil roasts him over a spit.
Next up, the ACLU has obtained documents from former State Senator Russell Pearce, the primary sponsor of Arizona’s SB1070 anti-immigrant legislation, indicating that the law may have been racially motivated.
I would reply to this, but I’m afraid doing so would permanently break my ability to generate snark and sarcasm.
The White House fired back at GOP Governors over their anger at flexibility in implementing welfare reform requirements, noting that it was their idea in the first place. The GOP Governors replied with “Yeah? Well, you play ball like a girl!”
In the wake of her controversial comments regarding Clinton aide Huma Abedin, top Republicans are reportedly souring on Michele Bachmann and the particular brand of Tea party-influenced anger she brings to the table.
Finally, a chart on the geography and demographics of gun violence.