Daily Archives: July 15, 2012

6 posts

Breaking Bad Open Thread: “Live Free or Die”

It’s here, yo. It’s finally here. The arrival of the fifth season of Breaking Bad feels more bittersweet than anything since we’re marking the beginning of the end. Any theories regarding Walt or Jesse’s fates you’d like to throw out there?

In a recent GQ interview, Aaron Paul promised the cold open of the season premiere gets crazy. Let’s find out just how crazy in 3…2…

Warning! Everything after the jump will be a spoiler. Everything. Continue reading

This Week in Assholes

Well it has been another busy week for the world’s assholes. Don’t these people ever take a damn vacation? I guess not, so let’s get started.

Our first asshole actually technically commenced with their douchebaggery last week, but the fallout and fail has continued into this week. Let’s give a nod to comedian (?) Daniel Tosh, who suggested that a female heckler at a California show should be gang-raped by other audience members. What a fucking prick. Of course he followed this by the customary non-apology on Twitter.

Ah, the dead baby defense. Genius, Dude. Tosh doesn’t even really understand what the issue is because on top of being an asshole he is also a complete moron. He also can’t seem to see the difference between making a rape joke and suggesting that his audience members rape somebody. Suggesting that humor can be used to deal with dark and unpleasant topics is irrelevant in this case because Tosh is too shitty of a comedian to think that much about his art anyway. Continue reading

Seeing Something, Saying Something

There are incidents so overwhelming and horrific that it is nearly impossible to step outside of them and develop any understanding of what occurred. But it is imperative we do just that. When natural disaster strikes we scramble to rescue and recover and then must assess our preparedness and responsiveness. It’s how we gain control over our environment and perhaps mitigate the impact of future disasters. It is tempting, after the trauma of rescue and recovery to turn away and step into the sun, step into the light. But we are more than our emotions we are also our intellect. Continue reading