This article contains terms that are NSFW unless you work at a women’s healthcare organization.
This is the kind of article that the relationship between these two feminist editorial powerhouses produces: How to Make Vagina Taste Good.
Hmmm. Does the creation of this article have anything to do with the myriad Google hits that it would produce? Oral sex, vaginas, stinky vaginas, does my vagina smell, more oral sex, oral sex and lady parts, do boys like the way lady parts smell? It’s like an marketing SEO dream.
Why are xoJane and Jezebel pairing up? Should we be concerned about the articles that are going to result from this relationship? I have some ideas:
- Does my vagina look wrinkly?
- Does my crotch look better in hi-cut panties or does it need contouring to achieve its best look?
- Why does it hurt when I go piddle?
- How can I empower myself through sex in the no-no hole?
Our very own Dogs commented on the xoJane smelly vagina article. I stopped by as well. (When are they going to ban me, I wonder?)