Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown Enlists a President For His Reelection Campaign

Just not the President

Brown, who is defending his Senate seat againstt Americans For Prosperity Junior Ranger Josh Mandel this fall, has been a quite aggressive fund-raiser throughout this election cycle. The Senator’s dirty liberal supporters (a group to which I undoubtedly belong) have been on the receiving end of many emails from Brown’s campaign, many pointing out that supporters of Mandel have already churned out a 10-1 spending advantage in the race. It’s a list populated by exactly who you’d expect to fund a campaign against one of the Senate’s most liberal members: Crossroads GPS, the US Chamber of Commerce and the like.

Brown is fighting back the only way soulless, freedom-hating Democrats can-with super-gay Hollywood support, y’all!

Martin Sheen (aka President Jed Bartlett-The West Wing) is headed to Ohio to make appearances on the Senator’s behalf, including co-hosting a $2,500 per head fundraiser in the Cleveland area on May 31st. Oh, Brad Whitford, also of The West Wing, will be there too. Maybe they’ll even get gay married while they are in Ohio, because obviously, as actors, they hate God. Just kidding! Ohio outlawed gay marriage in 2004, back when it was still totes okay to hate homosexuals.

How did Senator Brown score Emilio Estevez’s father? And that other guy?

Martin and Bradley know that we need Sherrod Brown fighting in the United States Senate for Ohio’s middle class families. Whether it’s working to make college affordable, advocating for women’s health and well-being, or standing up for Ohio’s auto industry, Sherrod Brown and the Ohio Democrats are fighting in Congress for us.

Despite the fact that neither Sheen or Whitford live in Ohio, it’s actually a savvy move by the Brown campaign. Jed Bartlett’s been out of office for years. He’s got to be more popular in Ohio than Barack Obama.

(Pic via)

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