Puff puff pass.
- Joe Manchin (D-Whenever He Feels Like It) is on the fence about his vote for Obama. (National Journal) Of course he is. It’s bad enough that one of our major political parties has gone completely over the cliff; what makes it worse is they have quislings like Manchin and Nelson to give them a modicum of cover while they drag the rest of us over too. With friends like these, who needs anemones?
- Fix income inequality with $10 million loans for everyone! (Washington Post) Why not? This is how the banks do it.
- Wall Street Notes from Matt Taibbi (Rolling Stone)
- Ryan’s Hope from Charles P. Pierce (Esquire)
- The Death Spiral of America’s Big Law Firms (The Atlantic) Can you imagine a world without lawyers?
- Charge Arpaio now or forget it. (TPM) Works for me!
- Dems claim upper hand in government shutdown fight. (TPM) Dear President Obama: First do this, then do this.
- Cantor suggests antisemitism is a problem within the House GOP Caucus. (ThinkProgress) Great! So now I can add “antisemitic” to the list of stuff of epithets I use to describe the GOP, along with racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and xenophobic. Speaking of which…
- Tea Party Congressman: Obama will commit treason if reelected. (ThinkProgress) Speaking of which…
- Leading Republican Congressional Candidate is a birther: “There’s No Question President Obama’s Hiding Something.” (ThinkProgress) Just bring on the Wingularity already. I need some Excedrine.
- Average Fortune 500 CEO makes 380 times as much as average worker. (ThinkProgress) Of course they do.
- 17 years after Oklahoma City, Right-Wing extremism is a significant domestic terror threat. (ThinkProgress)
- Maryland becomes the first state to pass a law banning employers from demanding social media logins as a condition of employment. (AP) You go, Maryland.
- Hacktivists in the frontline battle for the internet (The Guardian)
- Murdoch’s News Corp facing growing legal threat in US. (The Guardian)
Have a great weekend everybody!