Steven Tyler keeps getting shit for singing the National Anthem.
You didn’t ask Justin Beiber to sing the National Anthem. You asked Steven Tyler, from legendary Boston band Aerosmith.
And Steven Tyler screams.
Steven Tyler screams the way the Boston fan does when the Red Sox fall to the Yankees. Steven Tyler screams the way the Dorchester resident screams when she’s shoveled out her parking space and some other motherfucker thinks he’s going park here. You are not, you fucker, because this shovel is going right up your ass if you move this lawn chair. Steven Tyler screams the way the Massachusetts native does when the lower deck of 93 is backed up to the Home Depot and he’s supposed to be at work in 20 minutes and WBZ promised the deck was only back to the Hood plant and seriously, WTF.
All those critics who are saying Steven Tyler is a disgrace – you’re all lucky he didn’t walk on the field in Foxoboro and say — “Oh, Good Morning, Baltimore Ravens. Going…down?”