Daily Archives: December 21, 2011

4 posts

Coming Attractions: Sarah Palin Reports Her Body Stolen; Julianne Moore Wears it to a Few Parties in Game Change

Let’s switch it up shall we? Are you at all curious about what in hell’s doom led John McCain to pluck some Alaskan simpleton from relative obscurity, dress her up, feed her ego, and basically let her become the Zapf dingbats with a hair bump campaign grenade that she morphed into to his utter monstrous ball-shrinking detriment? Yes, well, Game Change would like you to witness the carnage. Continue reading

The Year in Pop & Rock: Part Three

Kiedis, leader singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and occasional leather daddy, poses with the rest of the band in a Los Angeles alleyway, 2011

In this concluding edition of the year in review, we will touch upon the developments within the sphere of indie music, reissues, and the absolute worst albums released in 2011. Without further ado, let’s jump on in. Continue reading

Holiday Cocktail Contest! Shaken or Stirred?

My love of wine is well known. Cocktails are special occasion drinks for me. The Season of Summer is a special occasion as is Christmas and New Year’s in my household.  I love a good cocktail during these times, but I am lazy and usually settle for something simple with gin or vodka — straight gin and vodka is sooo simple.

The holidays require something a bit spiffier. This is where you Crasstalkers can be helpful…. Continue reading